Friday, June 02, 2006

A infintisimile dot on the literary landscape

well fuck me, the weather is good today....have just been signed off work for another six weeks, which is not really a good thing as I won't want to go back afterwards! Believe me if I had the money I would be off to far off lands to settle down as quick as possible...vrooom, like a rat out of an aquaduct...this damn country has nothing going for it anymore, the whole place stinks of social neglect and a malaise of emptiness. People hate each other, morons are led to believe that the whole country will change if we were to win one competition or another...lets face it people THIS ENGLAND is completely fucked and will never ever be an important power that other countries will want to work alongside. I still believe that the monarchy should go and a presidential electorate should take place...whether that would bring winds of change who knows but something has to happen...we are becoming world laughing stock and i for one am joining in with the world to laugh with them...

phew...where did that come from...and now for something fluffy...i texted lisa today but she didn't really seem that interested...there i was eating breakfast toast with my pot of marmalade and swirls of freshly churned butter when up pops that lovely young lady kerry katona on the television...what she goes on to tell me has a great importance and effect on my turns out, and this is from the mouth of St. Kerry herself, that Iceland are producing luxury ice cream at only 1.99 a litre...the ice cream is comparable to the holy grail of ice cream which is known as Hagen Daaz...I was moved and thrilled at the same can she tell me this at 10.30 am when hardly anyone is watching...I have just informed News at Ten of this revelation...I am awaiting their reply...

It is musically fascinating at the moment....too much to tell but keep a lookout for...scott matthew, Skye, west end girls, sufjan stevens and the Spinto band....

ciao babies

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