Saturday, April 16, 2005

an Aye for an aye!

On March 9th 2005, I ordered a shiny new computer from a web based company, which will remain nameless but it rhymes with bell,
After filling out screen after screen of info they wanted from me, I finally got to the place your order section, which I did, after a few minutes I received an email confirming my order. As I had decided to pay by finance they also emailed the finance documents too, this
Is where the fun starts!, Because my printer is knackered I emailed them back to ask if they could post the documents instead, to which they replied “of course, no problem at all” . Days went by and there was no sign of the documents, meanwhile I was being bombarded with email demanding that I return the docs A.S.A.P. and I would reply “I still have not received your documents” so after three more attempts to post me the docs (that never arrived) I decided to phone them, I asked them “Are you sending the docs to the right address” it turns out that they are and they sent me out another copy,

Saturday March 12th 2005
Six rather large envelopes arrived in the post today all with the same logo on them, yes! they were all from “Bell”, after opening
One of them I discovered the finance documents, I sign and date the relevant forms and post them back the same day, “job done” I hear you say! As did I.

Wednesday March 16th 2005
Logged on to the Bell web site to track my order, I entered the receipt number and clicked “find”, yes you guessed it they said
“we are sorry but we could not find your order!” oh my god!! The red mist was descending fast!, I decided to give them another ring, I spoke to a guy called “Simon” he took my order number , after a few minutes he came back to me and said “that order had been cancelled” I said “you what?” he said “that order has been cancelled” I said “why? and who by?” to which he said “we cancelled the order because we did not hear anything from you, and we did not get any forms back” then I said “@#’;.,$%^&!!!!!!” or something like that, then he said “would you like me to email you some more documents” I said “you can stick them and your order up your fucking arse you idiot” and gently replaced the receiver.

Friday April 8th 2005
I was telling Gina of my plight at work today, and she suggested I try ordering from the company where she bought hers from.

Saturday April 9th 2005
I got an email from Gina this morning giving me the link to the web site she ordered her p.c. from, I quickly typed the address into my browser and before long I had ordered my new computer, again I chose to pay by finance and I asked them to send me the documents to sign in the post.

Monday April 11th 2005
The documents arrived in the post this morning, I filled them out at lunchtime and posted them in the letterbox at work.

Tuesday 12TH April 2005
I received confirmation that savastore had received my documents
By email today.

Wednesday 13th April 2005
I got a call at work today from shaun of savastore telling me my order is being processed, but I had forgotten to order a back up disc
And did I want one, I said “yes please”, he also said he “throwing in a anti surge plugbar,and if I had any other queries to phone him immediately.

Thursday 14th April 2005
Hopefully I will be writing my next blog on my new computer woohoo!!
Next time you want a computer for godsake don’t ring the “Bell”
Go to instead.
thank you Gina for the link.

A woman goes to the doctors and asks if you can get Pregnant having anal sex.The doctor says of course you can where do you think scousers come from?.

See you later, steve


Anonymous said...

thanks for the info i will bear that in mind when i order a new pc - Lisa xx

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! Please, please, please let the order arrive intact and on time(mine did), or I will feel so bloody responsible. Please pay the finance off in time else the pc will cost you twice as much. I did, and now I get bombarded with calls etc asking if I would like to take out a loan, reply "no thanks, can get a cheaper loan else where, yours was a good deal at the time". Gx