Wednesday, January 19, 2005

a wormhole, a wormhole, my kingdom for a wormhole!

...she considered it but in the end was not swayed by the chocolate covered tofu that was put in front of her...

Today I am suffering from writers happens to us all occasionally, i could just sit here for hours and hours and it just won't happen. I could try it by hand instead of machine but that doesn't work either. I have no mental or physical stimulation today. Something happened today which I can't really share at the moment...and now i really don't know what to do. That is my quandry and that is why i have writers block.

...and thats why percy was the nicest bulldog in the world...


Anonymous said...

Neil, follow you heart and not your head! Gx

Anonymous said...

No No No use your head , the heart will get you in deep shit. Only let your heart off its leash when your head has checked out all the pitfalls.
And whatever happens never never let your cock have a say . They lie !!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you dont go for it you will never know, and always wonder if it could of been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

take your time and dont let your heart rule your head be patient and let them you and then it will feel right x listen your inner self and take it slow ..