Wednesday, May 31, 2006

don't you just love those old fashioned adverts...

please watch this all the way will be 1 and a half minutes of your time well spent!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Subterranean Y viva Espana

Good Evening

Well here we are again and on pain of death I am writing this blog. Not having access to a computer at home is very hard at the moment, BT are saying one thing and electrician is saying another hopefully normal transmission will be quick and painless but I have been without the Internet since the beginning of April and its becoming more frustrating. I have to rely on others for access and its not always easy but here goes.

Had a rather strange week last week my brother jetted off to Spain to see friends who live in a cave

"Since the Arab invasion of Spain, there have been cave dwellers in the north eastern area of Andalusia.In more recent times, and up to the 1950's, it was the native farming communities who used caves for shelter, both for their families and their livestock.As the economic climate of Spain changed with mass tourism, rural populations began to fall rapidly as people flocked to work on the coast. Many caves were abandoned.
Once again as the needs of the populous have changed, many people, amongst them many British and other northern Europeans, inhibited by cost and climatic conditions in their native countries, are attracted to the idea of escaping from the busier resort areas of Andalusia and integrating into a more rural and peaceful way of life. Cave houses have once again enjoyed a revival in popularity.
Giving a traditional cave a modern makeover has proven to be very successful.These cave houses have more to offer than ever before. The 21st century Andalusia cave house, once reformed, is equipped with all mod cons.As well as the necessary water and electricity supplies, many have phone and thus internet connection.
The internal cave temperature is an approximate constant of 18 - 20 C throughout the year, due to the natural insulation of the rock into which it is built. Cave houses are therefore cool in summer and warm in winter. Most caves have a fire place which, depending on the caves location, maybe necessary for the colder months of the year.
Cave houses are generally ecologically sound and the area lends itself perfectly to utilising alternative energy sources, such as solar and wind, leading to even lower maintenance costs.
No two caves are alike. They have individual charm and personality; each cave house is unique in design and most are adaptable to your needs.
The size of caves varies from one bedroom homes to large six to eight bedroom family homes/business opportunities. Many have two or more bathrooms and they often have large kitchens and bodegas (pantries). Caves can be extended into the rock as far as you wish, all building works should be carried out by a legal and qualified builder who will liaise with the local town hall if permission is required for the type of works to be carried out.
Additional benefits of considering a cave house are that they are still affordable with relatively low purchase costs.As with any 're-discovered' way of life their increasing popularity is leading to price increases, so there could not be a better time to invest in a Cave house. "

Copied from

Drew and Helen brought their cave over 18 months ago and my brother went over to see what work they had done to it.

So I was left with looking after my niece and nephew for 3 days and they as always were well behaved and a pleasure to look after but its all the other bits that come with looking after kids, washing, cooking, cleaning and running a home and being domesticated and then there is walking two dogs twice a day. I needed a holiday after 3 days, and I missed a pub night too! Anyway back to normal this week my brother is back and I am childless hooray!

On a more hilarious note I spent the evening in the company of Neil last night and watched a brilliant cartoon film very very funny called `Over the Hedge` I can highly recommend it, then it was dilemma time as Celebrity X Factor clashed with Big Brother – Celebrity X Factor won the day well what a bunch they are ok 10p goes to Charity but are they really celebrities. It was painful to watch in places the best bit was Sharron Osbournes comments to Rebecca Loos (what did she do to become a celebrity ! ) (pig wanking was terrific...blogmaster)

If you did not see it last night you can catch up with it as its on for the next week that’s if you cant find something better to watch

Ciao for now
Lisa xx

singalonga blogfest

Monday, May 29, 2006

Graphical Representation...

Oh this is quite exciting, found this applet that converts your website to a graphical representation...the colours mean blue for links, red for tables, green for the DIV tag, violet for images, yellow for forms, orange for linebreaks and blockquotes, black for html tag and gray for all other tags

So ladies and gennulmen i present in full glorious colour "Piddys Place Blogsite"

Rasterbation is really okay!

Hi all... and a happy bank holiday to all of you luvverly english people, I am truly sorry scotland that you are not joining in the fun today!

Well not much happening is shite as per usual bank holiday, but hey! we have each other...usual bank holiday shite on tv, war films all afternoon...although i am being drawn towards the latest instalment of reality car crash tv with the starting of 'Celebrity X factor' probably will be so bad that i HAVE to watch it in all its tasteless detail..ITV1 at 9pm...Hmmmm

I spent the afternoon rasterbating i have you know...yes RASTERBATING, you filthy little devils...if you want to know more go here... . It's very cool and they look fantastic when they are printed out...yet another ocassion to use my blunt ended blue peter branded scissors and a pot of non toxic paste, as I don't have a parent around to supervise.. I have now rasterbated all over my wall...

I had to include todays video below because it shows david hasselhof doing what he does best, and that is being a complete too will believe a man can fly...

Neil x

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sunday Interlude...

Interlude - as sung by Morrisey and Siouxsie

Saturday, May 27, 2006

King rocker, king rocker, rock, rock, rock....

To contemporary Metal fans.the name UFO may sit uncomfortably alongside such modern day luminaries as Guns N'Roses, Nirvana and Metaliica. Yet, without them hard rock would have most certainly taken a rather different path, and today's heroes might never have existed.
Looking back in hindsight, UFO could have been as big as Led Zeppelin, had circumstances prevailed. Sadly, all we are left with are the memories of the glory days of 1974-78 when UFO ruled supreme courtesy of a collective chemistry that spontaneously backfired just as they were making headline waves.

'Too Hot To Handle' charts their years on the Chryasalis label and features choice cuts from all tjier albums. From the definitive hard rock of their label debut 'Phenomenon' to the metallic strains of the underrated 'misdemeanour' it's a concise collection, none the less.

From their very early beginnings in the late '60s, life was a struggle and it took several years of hard graft before UFO were fully accepted as one of Britain's premier rock outfits.

Taking their name from a London club, they got off the ground and into orbit in 1969, when drummer Andy Parker joined Hocus pocus, a band that featured the erstwhile juvenile talents of vocalist Phil Mogg, bassist Pete Way and guitarist Mick Bolton. With a musical style taht verged on Space Metal, fusing progressive experimental hard rock with good time boogie, UFO released three albums, 'UFO', "UFO2/Flying' and 'UFO Live' on the Beacon label, all achieving success in the German and Japanese markets.

In 1974 Bolton left to be repaced by Larry Wallis (ex Pink Faries), followed by Bernie Marsden (he of Whitesnake feme) before UFO snatched 16 year old wizkid guitarist Michael Schenker from German rockers The Scorpions. UFO duley signed to Chrysalis Records in 1974.

With Schenker in tow, they quickly matured into a premier melodic hard rock act, adopting a far more substantial sound that was louder, more direct and overflowing with dextrous fret work. Schenker's presence helped to forge an identity that was to become their trademark, hitting a creative peak they released a string of definitive hard rock albums, each holding classic rock anthems that would set standards to shape the genre for years to come.

Their 1974 debut for Chrysalis, 'Phenomenon', proved a stunner and served up two major Metal classics, 'Doctor Doctor' and Rock Bottom', songs that would have many a budding headbangin' youth mimicking their idols in rock clubs worldwide, air guitar in hand.

The melodic side to UFO became more prominent on the 1975 follow up 'Force It', the foot stomping swirl of tracks such as 'Let It Roll' and 'Shoot Shoot' proving that UFO were hardly fly-by-night one hit wonders. At Mogg's reccommendation Paul Chapman was hired as a second guitarist to augment their live sound, but left on the completion of a European jaunt due to personal differences with Michael Schenker.

They expanded to a five piece again in 1976, with the addition of Heavy Metal kid Danny Peyronel on keyboards for the album 'No Heavy Petting'. Unfortunately the album failed to gain major commercial recognition, 'Natural Thing' being the only song to make it as a UFO set standard. Peyronel was made the scapegoat and accordingly fired.

However the idea of a guitarist/keyboard player as a welcome addition to the axe weilding Schenker was still attractive and Paul Raymond (previously of savoy Brown) was brought in for the album 'Lights Out' released in 1977, bringing UFO the breakthrough they needed in America. Guided by top American producer Ron Nevison, tracks such as 'Too Hot To Handle', 'Lights out' and 'Love To Love' proved to be some of the best UFO were to write.

Creativity though, had to have its price and Schenker, although an extremely gifted six-stringer, was an eccentric with a rather unpredictable character and was prone to dissapearances, one on the eve of a major US tour in 1977 following the release of 'lights Out'. Lone Star guitarist Paul Chapman was again drafted in and took over axe duties for the remaining dates before Schenker re-emerged part-way through the tour.

Thus, 1978's 'Obsession' was to be the UFO's last studio album to feature the mercurial German axeman, who after personal problems and long-standing internal disagreements with the band quit to rejoin The Scorpions and later to form his own band MSG. 'Obsession', however, was another heavyweight classic, yielding the enigmatic rocker 'Only You Can Rock Me' which remains part of thier live set to this day.

Schenker's departure couldn't have come at a more inopportune moment - UFO were on the verge of becoming massive, and it was only ironic that their piece de risistance, the highly acclaimed live double 'Strangers In The Night', recorded on their sell-out US tour of 1978, gave them lating glory in 1979 after Schenker quit. From then on, despite a series of competant album releases it was to be downhill all the way for UFO.

Schenker's surprise departure left an unrepairable void in the ranks, sparking a series of line-up changes which strove valliantly to capture an irreplaceable magic, but UFO were never to recapture that level of success and recognition they had attained with Schenker.

Paul 'Tonka' Chapman was the obvious choice to fill Schenker's shoes, having played with the band on numerous occasions and with him UFO recorded their 1980 comeback album 'No Place To Run', which managed to silence the cynics with a strength of material including rockin' gems like 'Lettin' Go' and 'Young Blood'.

Following a headlining appearance at the Reading festival in 1980, Paul Raymond left and soon after teamed up with Michael Schenker in the formative MSG, while UFO acquired ex-Wild Horses man Neil Carter to take his place on 1981's 'The Wild, The Willing and the Innocent', which had its moments on tracks such as 'Long Gone', 'Lonely Heart' and the chillingly emotive 'Profession Of Violence'.

Slowly but steadily, however, UFO's classic identity was being diluted by ongoing line-up changes. Bassist Pete Way, whose manicly energetic performances were hugely important to UFO's live act, departed after the release of 'Mechanix' in 1982, apparantly dissastisfied with the band's overtly commercial musical direction exemplified by tracks like 'We Belong To The Night' and 'Let It Rain'. Way momentarily joined Ozzy Osbourne's touring line-up after an abortive link up with ex-Motorhead guitarist 'Fast' Eddie Clarke. He then went on to form his own band Waysted which was to later feature UFO stalwarts Paul Chapman and Andy Parker.

Talas bassist Billy Sheehan (yes, he of Dave Lee Roth and Mr. Big fame) fulfilled bass duties for a UFO European tour while Mogg & Co. searching for a suitable replacement for Way. Unable to find one UFO thus recorded 1983's 'Making Contact' album as a four piece, only Mogg and Parker remaining from the original classic 74-78 line-up. Standout cuts 'Blinded By A Lie' and 'When It's Time To Rock' managed to hold UFO above water but failed to cement the missing gaps.

It was time to abandon ship, UFO were in serious trouble and the strain of constant work was beginning to show. Mogg suffered a nervous breakdown and a European tour was pulled to allow him complete recovery. His onstage problems in Athens provoking a near riot. It was time to call a halt to proceedings and a farewell UK tour was therefore undertaken in 1983 with ex-Damned bassist Paul Gray in tow, after which the band disbanded leaving Mogg to his own devices.

However to everyone's surprise Mogg revived the name UFO in 1985 with former members Paul Raymond and Paul Gray, plus ex-Magnum skinsman Jim Simpson and Japanese guitarist Atomic Tommy M, for the album 'Misdemeanour', which was a brave attempt to rekindle former glories by fanning the old UFO flame with its superlative guitarwork. Though it received excellent critical acclaim, and despite an astounding performance supporting Deep Purple at Knebworth Park in the Summer of that year, success eluded them. They inevitably all went thier separate ways and 'Misdemeanor' ended their long standing relationship with the Chrysalis label.

However, UFO are still in existance, in 1991 Mogg teamed up once more with bassist Pete Way to set the foundations for a possible reunion of the classic 74-78 line-up. With ex-Grand Slam guitarist Lawrence Archer and ex-Wild Horses drummer Clive Edwards they released the traditionally rooted 'High Stakes And Dangerous Men', via Castle Communications and toured heavily in it's support, bringing if anything a foreboding sense of nostalgia to many. Then, just as 1993 was drawing to a close, the amazing news came through that the classic line-up was indeed back together and touring Germany. yep, Mogg, Schenker, Way, Raymond and Parker were once again sharing a stage. No-one knows what will happen next - UFO is hardly a predictable entity - but of course a new album would make a fascinating listen.

For further information please see from where the main history details were taken from

Steve x

Friday, May 26, 2006


Bonsoir et bienvenu...welcome

Today I am discussing the very achievable female orgasm....not bloody likely!...but i had you going.

I was shocked and saddened to see a colleagues car today regailed in England flags...the colleague shall remain nameless but fortunately their actions have not sunk as low as lisas's who has now said she will not remove her England team thong set until they bring the cup home...god help us...

So Makosi, who last year we all wanted to deport, has been working as a prostitute for an unnamed celebrity, and now she is thousands of pounds in debt and spends her day drinking cheap sparkling wine and dreaming of her quick stardom...whats she fucking moaning about, she wouldn't be able to lead that sort of luxurious life in Zimbabwe and get the government to pay her...ungrateful cow...

went out in lisas new car today...its a metallic green daewoo but thats all i can tell you...oh...and its manual and not automatic...i thought it was quite clever that i have remembered that much let alone anything's very nice with a very nice stereo in which was placed the best of those old rockers 'Led Zeppelin' whom I am sure will come up in 3steels history of rockers at some point! We went off to the Chav amusement park, namely The Interchange retail park, where i was opened to a world of Matalan, JB sports, Argos and Pet world (which i actually liked quite a lot) ...have seen a lop eared bunny in there that i want, i will love him and call him herbert..all i have to do is make some sort of hutch and get a leash...i think its that simple...also rabbits are good because they only poo little pellets which are easy to pick up and do not make you heave in the watch this space..see herbert below...

Well its pub night and so it will be another bleary eyed Saturday tomorrow...glad to say that I already have 3steels blog to print so there won't be much of a mind fuck to deal with ...
I love you all...
Neil x

Thursday, May 25, 2006 that the waiting list for the Big Brother house?

Well since I wrote my piece last week on the problems we seem to be told we are having with water it has done nothing but rain (as I write this on Monday evening) which lets face it just adds to my argument that there is no real water problem. The men on telly tell us it the wrong kind of rain? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Water is just water it has the damn chemical constituency whether it fall in Great Britain or Greece. H2O, it’s wet whether it has big spots or is that little fine stuff.

The water problems in this country are man made. Or should I say more accurately the water storage problem in this country is man made. We have built on lots of the natural flood plains so that when it does drop out of the sky instead of soaking in it all runs down the nearest drain and into the river and out to sea. And then we go and import bottles of the stuff, and sell it with a nice label in the supermarket. Brilliant I am so proud of us.

Ok now its raining its time to talk about the most British of pass times the BBQ. Actually I only really have one question about BBQ’s and that is why? A more pointless waste of time effort and good food I cannot think of. Don’t get me wrong I am as guilty as the next man (why is it always men) of having them. Perhaps it’s the instinct to be outside. In the dark cold days of winter you remember the summer with affection and through rose coloured glasses. You remember all the nice things about being outside forgetting that we are in Great Britain where it rains, as we have previously discussed more frequently than gay men get on big brother.

I have a really nice kitchen at home with this magic machine in it called a cooker. So why the fuck do I every year drag people outside to eat things I would not normally feed a dog, when less than 50 yards away I (Well it’s actually the wife) have the facilities to create cordon blue food inside and away from the elements. In nice warm countries where they have a history of eating out and the weather is nice you can understand it. Hear “Throw another shrimp on the BBQ” and you know the weather is always nice and your in the big island down under, you know the one we filled it with all our rejects back in the 19th century.

So what is the attraction of sitting on uncomfortable chairs in a draft with wasps flies etc homing in on your plate like it’s the best thing since that pile of dog crap they crawled over in the street? Eating food that if it came out of your oven looking like that you would turn it off and call a repair man, because lets face it if it looks like that there must be something wrong with the oven. I mean what is the attraction of a sausage that is black on the outside, raw on the inside and tastes like the striking side of a match box. And don’t try and tell me yours are better there not your deluding yourself.

To answer my own question I have no idea what the attraction of the summer BBQ is. If you think about it they defy logic, but I will be out there at least a couple of times this year doing it too assuming it stays dry long enough to cook. But what am I saying we have a water shortage.
Matt x

The Bubblegum Machine is amazing....

Please go to the HAVE to hear these songs!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

...The ABC of hermaphrodites...

Hi y'all

hope everyone is well....not much to report from this end really...have added a graveyard set to my flickr really proud of some of the photos and it was a really interesting and peaceful place...I had lisa for company and we strolled amongst the dead who seemed to be giving vibrant life to the flowers and foliage that surrounded them...isn't life grand!

Have been getting massive headaches due to trying to solve Perplex City puzzles...have now got 3steel and Carl hooked as well and we are now melding our brains together to create an unbeatable intelligence source (I wish!)

I am so glad that 'paki poof' (his own words so please don't accuse me of being rascist as all the people around me know that is not true) shabaz has left the BB house, he was just a shit stirring little attention grabber who was stressing the other house mates out. Let him go back to his little council house in glasgow and wallow in his own self turns out he has not had a job in 22 years, can i ask why he is getting jobseekers allowance?...and for the record, NO, he will not get a loving partner acting in the childish immature manner that he showed to the nation...end of...fuck off!

This weeks Dr Who should be good as it is another one written by Mark Gattis (League of Gentlemen) who wrote last years scary one about the Victorian ghost lady...also, check out his novel 'The Vesuvius Club' , its sort of a gay sherlock holmes romp (except the character is Lucifer Box) which I read whilst in Egypt last year, really good book and well worth a read.

Am due to go to Doctors next week and it is now looking that they may let me back to work at the beginning to middle of's been a long time now, i wonder if it will feel like starting a new job healing quite nicely though, still have some scabby bits lol but what do you expect after major surgery...also i think doctor will give me permission to start exercise again so out will come the cross trainer...on the roof skiing back and forth should be quite nice in the sunshine!

anyway i will leave you to enjoy the rest of your Wednesday, watch out for blogs from Matt and 3Steel in the next few days...


Neil x

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Lisa's sports report...

For those of you who are not into Football this is a week long programme on every night on ITV the brainchild of Jonathan Wilkes and his mate Robbie Williams who have decided to hold a Soccer Challenge England v The Rest of the World with various celebrities and ex football players.

The high light of the week will be a match on Saturday held at Old Trafford with all the money raised going to UNICEF a charity close to Robbie’s heart.

I thought this was such a good cause and also one close to my heart (football and UNICEF) that I wanted to promote it

UNICEF – the United Nations Children’s Fund - is the world’s leading organisation working specifically with children.UNICEF exists to protect the world’s children whenever and wherever they are at risk. The goals of UNICEF’s work include making sure every child has water that is clean and safe to drink – and the chance to go to school. We raise funds to ensure children are fed and cared for if their country is struck by drought or another emergency, and to make children safer, inside and outside the home. We work to protect children against diseases such as measles, malaria and HIV/AIDS and we train nurses, doctors and health workers to do so as well. We do this not only in times of emergency, but every day through long-term development work. UNICEF and its partners are currently working for children in 155 countries, areas and territories.By supporting Soccer Aid you will help UNICEF and its partners to:
Prevent children in Indonesia dying from malaria
Care for children who have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Provide clean water to children and families in Mozambique
Support community schools for girls and boys in Zambia
Ensure children in Malawi get the food and nutrition they need.
Prevent young babies being abandoned in Ukraine
Find out more by watching out for the special films featuring UNICEF Ambassadors David Beckham, Robbie Williams, Elle Macpherson and Ewan McGregor, as well as UNICEF supporters Paul Bettany and James Nesbitt, to be shown on the Soccer Aid TV show.You can also visit the special Soccer Aid pages on the UNICEF website to find out more about how Soccer Aid is helping children.Although a global UN agency, UNICEF is not funded by the UN and depends entirely upon charitable donations and grants.

Oh and I just wanted to thank all those lovely people who texted and rang me when Arsenal lost against Barcelona in the Champions League, I am still of the opinion that we were the better team and had we been allowed 11 against 11 would have proved it.

But its I am so glad that Thierry Henry has decided to stay another 4 more years – a fantastic player, and will only enhance our team.

Ciao for now
Lisa xx

Please watch or somebody near you may need this one day...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

suprise suprise it's sort of a big brother thread!...

well what have we got so far...bonner with her northern attitude and a voice that the posh ones have trouble in understanding...Pete, the tourettes sufferer who i have taken a bit of a shine for and at the moment is the life and soul of the, hmmm a bit of posh totty eye candy who seems very dull and i don't think anyone would notice if he just left...shahbaz, what can you say, a raving and annoying queen who thinks he is gods gift to all the other fellas in the house but is understandably rejected by one and all. He is an obsessed, cloying and shameful monster of a poof....lea, damaged goods who i swear is more like 50 than her confessed age of 35, tasteless to the extreme and looks like she should be propping up peter stringfellow with one of her bingo wings as a catching net...Imogen, now she is pretty and she is sweet, she looks like her hair should be made out of fairy dust and her eyes twinkle like badgers in the snow...i like her!....Mikey, out and out male chauvanist but quite good to look at, does not seem very willing to take clothes off...dawn, 38, exercise scientist, seemed scary and hard nosed but when she entered the house a different persona took over, she likes teaching yoga and seems very sensible...Glyn, the most beautiful life guard in wales (so he was voted), a bit like Mr Muscle man but he is a nudist so should lighten the house up a bit, seems a bit naive and sweet to me though and might get eaten alive by stronger characters...Richard, an out and out gay canadian sexual predator, good looking, would like to see him in nothing but his hat...mmmmm....Grace, posh totty 2, a bit dull again, don't like her really...lisa, ugly chinese mancunian whose voice reminds you off nails down a blackboard, common as muck and a gluttonous piggy person, yeuch...Sezer, extremely fit looking especially with no clothes on as in the other night, seems a bit cocky but his masculinity lets him get away with it, self made entrepreneur but with a tiny weeny chip on his shoulder...lastly, nikki, thick as shit wannabe footballers wife...she has nails, hair and no brain...get her out, quickly!

Many many congratulations to Finland for blowing the balls out of the Eurovision contest last night...oh how we sat there cheering...woo hoo!...enjoy the video!


Neil x

Saturday, May 20, 2006

...continuing 3steels history of the rock gods...

Judas Priest was one of the most influential heavy metal bands of the '70s, spearheading the New Wave of British Heavy Metal late in the decade. Decked out in leather and chains, the band fused the gothic doom of Black Sabbath with the riffs and speed of Led Zeppelin, as well as adding a vicious two-lead guitar attack; in doing so, they set the pace for much popular heavy metal from 1975 until 1985, as well as laying the groundwork for the speed and death metal of the '80s. Formed in Birmingham, England, in 1970, the group's core members were guitarist K.K. Downing and bassist Ian Hill. Joined by Alan Atkins and drummer John Ellis, the band played their first concert in 1971. Atkins' previous band was called Judas Priest, yet the members decided it was the best name for the new group.

The band played numerous shows throughout 1971; during the year, Ellis was replaced by Alan Moore; by the end of the year, Chris Campbell replaced Moore. After a solid year of touring the U.K., Atkins and Campbell left the band in 1973 and were replaced by vocalist Rob Halford and drummer John Hinch. They continued touring, including a visit to Germany and the Netherlands in 1974; by the time the tour was completed, they had secured a record contract with Gull, an independent U.K. label. Before recording their debut album, Rocka Rolla, Judas Priest added guitarist Glen Tipton. They released the record in September of 1974 to almost no attention.

The following year, they gave a well-received performance at the Reading Festival and Hinch departed the band; he was replaced by Alan Moore. Later that year, the group released Sad Wings of Destiny, which earned some positive reviews. However, the lack of sales was putting the band in a dire financial situation, which was remedied by an international contract with CBS Records. Sin after Sin (1977) was the first album released under that contract; it was recorded with Simon Phillips, who replaced Moore. The record received positive reviews and the band departed for their first American tour, with Les Binks on drums. When they returned to England, Judas Priest recorded 1978's Stained Class, the record that established them as an international force in metal. Along with 1979's Hell Bent for Leather (Killing Machine in the U.K.), Stained Class began the New Wave of British Heavy Metal movement.

A significant number of bands adopted Priest's leather-clad image and hard, driving sound, making their music harder, faster, and louder. After releasing Hell bent For leather, the band recorded the live album Unleashed in the East (1979) in Japan; it became their first platinum album in America. Les Binks left the band in 1979; he was replaced by former Trapeze, drummer Dave Holland. Their next album, 1980's British Steel, entered the British charts at number three, launched the hit singles "Breaking the Law" and "Living After Midnight," and was their second American platinum record; Point of Entry, released the following year, was nearly as successful.

At the beginning of the '80s, Judas Priest was a top concert attraction around the world, in addition to being a best-selling recording artist. Featuring the hit single "You've Got Another Thing Comin'," Screaming for vengeance (1982) marked the height of their popularity, peaking at number 17 in America and selling over a million copies. Two years later, Defenders of the Faith nearly matched its predecessor's performance, yet metal tastes were beginning to change, as Metallica and other speed/thrash metal groups started to grow in popularity. That shift was evident on 1986's Turbo, where Judas Priest seemed out of touch with current trends; nevertheless, the record sold over a million copies in America on the basis of name recognition alone.

However, 1987's Priest...Live was their first album since Stained Class not to go gold. Ram it Down (1988) was a return to raw metal and returned the group to gold status. Dave Holland left after this record and was replaced by Scott Travis for 1990's Painkiller. Like Ram it Down, Painkiller didn't make an impact outside the band's diehard fans, yet the group was still a popular concert act. In the early '90s, Rob Halford began his own thrash band, Fight, and soon left Judas Priest. In 1996, following a solo album by Glenn tipton, the band rebounded with a new young singer, Tim Owens or Ripper to his friends, (formerly a member of a Priest tribute band and of Winter's Bane). They spent the next year recording Jugulator amongst much self-perpetuated hype concerning Priest's return to their roots. The album debuted at number 82 on the Billboard album charts upon its release in late 1997. Halford had by then disbanded Fight following a decrease in interest and signed with Trent Reznor's Nothing label with a new project, Two. In the meantime, the remaining members of Judas Priest forged on with '98 Live Meltdown, a live set recorded during their inaugural tour with Ripper on the mic. Around the same time, a movie was readying production that was to be based on Ripper's rags-to-riches story of how he got to front his all-time favorite band. Although Priest was originally supposed to be involved with the film, they ultimately pulled out, but production went on anyway without the band's blessing (the movie, Rock Star, was eventually released in the summer of 2001, starring Mark Wahlberg in the lead role). Rob Halford in the meantime disbanded Two after just a single album, 1997's Voyuers, and returned back to his metal roots with a quintet titled simply...Halford. The group issued their debut in 2000, Ressurection, following it with a worldwide tour that saw the new group open up Iron Maiden's Brave New World U.S. tour, and issuing a live set one year later (which included a healthy helping of Priest classics) -- Live Insurrection. In 2001 the Ripper-led Priest issued a new album, Demolition, and Priest's entire back catalog for Columbia was reissued with remastered sound and bonus tracks. In 2003 the band--including Halford--collaborated on the liner notes and song selections for their mammoth career-encompassing box Metalogy, a collaboration that brought Halford back into the fold. Owens split from the group amicably in 2003, allowing the newly reunited heavy metal legends to plan their global live concert tour in 2004, with their sixteenth studio album, Angel of Retribution, to be released the following year.
Oh! here the warning never turn your back on the Ripper!

Friday, May 19, 2006


This is just brilliant...everyone should watch the whole of this trailer!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Water water everywhere and not a drop to....

You know I fancy having a drink, not alcoholic you understand well not at this time of the day anyway, but a nice refreshing glass of water. But hold on stop the presses should I, can I, or will I not be taken to some darkened room and beaten around the head. Water it appears has become the hot topic of the moment. For decades we have been the envy of the world with our system of pipes that give all clean fresh drinking water in every location in the land. And yet it all seems to have fallen through our fingers like…..well water really.

Because this green and pleasant land is green and pleasant we have taken it all for granted. It never mattered that our water pipes leaked like a Typhoo tea bag; after all it was going to be a wet summer like last year and the year before that. Let’s face it the whole British way of life is revolved around the weather and what falls out of the sky on bank holidays. So for once we are going to get the kind of weather that we all dream of apparently, and as a result the whole of society is going to crumble because we can’t cope with dry weather.

Now just as a comparison lets look at Las Vegas a fantastic holiday destination with world class shopping and every kind of entertainment known to man. Every hotel has at least five pools and there are whole lakes outside some. There is even a scaled down version of Venice yes including the water and just to add insult to injury the whole lot is in the middle of a fucking big desert with no water in any direction. Death Valley is just over the hill (kind of) and everyone in Las Vegas can swim drink and wash there car etc etc as often as they like. So given that even if we have a heat wave lasting ten years we still will have more water than Las Vegas ever does. So let me say it again loudly THEY ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKIN DESERT. The coast and therefore the sea are about 850 miles as the crow files give or take a bit from the strip in Las Vegas. Try driving 850 miles in any direction from any point in this country and you will drop in the stuff that is in such short supply.

We are on island and not a very big one by global standards surrounded by water so where is the problem. I am at a loss to understand, no really joking apart why are we in this mess. Back in 76 when the sun last came out there was a plan to stop drought ever happening again. There was a minister of water appointed and we were going to invest in desalination plants. More reservoirs and an integrated water network to move water from one side of the country to the other. What happened why was nothing done? Ill tell you what happened it rained that’s what. Oh and that evil bitch privatised the water industry back in the eighties. We can be so short sighted sometimes.
Matt x

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I just wanna fucking dance...

video of the song from Jerry Springer the Opera..well worth a watch (warning - explicit language)

The Mexican Condor...

...It was getting darker, the rain came down...he had on his stereo a soundtrack to the weather by John Barry...he lifted his first finger of bourbon for the evening, fondled himself through his clothes and reflected on what the day had bought..

would he ever see the broad again, you know, the broad who promised him the world and gave it all up for a '52 chevy that her father tempted her away with...God these nights were even darker without her and the rain outside kept matching the numbing rain that was pouring down his throat...he lifted his hat and stared at the cat that was sitting in the corner, it was the broad's cat which she left behind..he had thought about starving it, just as she had starved him of her love, but he saw in the eyes of the feline that their was no malice on it's behalf and so he raided the cupboard for the last tin of tuna and forked it out onto the plastic feeding dish that they kept in the kitchen.

He wandered back into the lounge and saw the note from her, just sitting there on the counter top as it had done for the last few days..all it said was 'don't try to find won't work...keep the cat', and the note stank of chanel which permeated throughout the whole apartment...he took of his pants and shirt and laid back down on the sofa in just his jockeys and was a hot balmy evening made even hotter by the alcohol that was now coarsing through his veins...he closed his eyes and his hand slowly dropped to the floor ...'i will find her, i will find her' he muttered under his breath as the last drops of energy left his soul and he drifted into what would be a short and restless nap...

Neil x

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

...for that blog had no name...and so in future it would be known as nameless...

Well another week has flown by and we are drawing ever nearer to June (24 days to be exact) already cars are displaying flags and stickers, why do we get so patriotic about a football team yet you never see a flag any other time of the year. In Canada and America they are proud to fly their flag outside their humble abode yet display a flag and immediately you are asked to remove it because it may cause offense.
I was only telling Neil about a poster that was advertising a fitness club and that it had been dubbed with white paint as the picture was of a naked women, Neil thought it could have been vandals but as the poster was displayed in Queens Park in Bedford I begged to differ. And low an behold it was in the local paper that week about how some people had been offended about the poster and had covered it in paint.

The blogs this past few weeks have been really good it’s a shame that no one leaves any comments, whether good or bad its would be nice to know that someone has read it. :) (I will be checking this blogs comments just to see the reaction!)

As Neil mentioned yesterday we had an exciting trip to IKEA, but I have to say is it me do you take your life in your hands when you sit behind the wheel of your car? There is no consideration anymore people just pull out at junctions, overtake anywhere (I was overtaken by a girl in a Peugeot 206 on Ampthill Road last week she was driving the car with one hand while rabbiting on a mobile!).

I was so shocked I wanted to get my phone and report her to the Police but then I would have been as bad as her, that and the fact I was not quick enough to get her license plate number. The same is true of bus drivers, white van man and lorries just because they drive big vehicles does not mean they can just pull out in front. Oh and don’t get me started on taxi drivers most of whom are a law unto themselves, they must have attended a totally different driving school then the rest of us because they don’t know how to drive, they pull out, don’t indicate, stop in the middle of the road to drop passengers off. Oh then there’s the school run where its how near can I park to the school to drop off my little angels. I mean parking and walking a few yards might kill them. It just goes to show that when its half term you can get to and from work in a matter of minutes, yet it can nearly a day to get to work during school terms.

Oh well rant over for this week

Just one more thing

Good Luck Arsenal
(Champions League Final Arsenal v Barcelona 7.45pm Wednesday 17 May 2006)

Lisa x

Monday, May 15, 2006

xtra monday post

go and look here...its so gay its sweet!

Ikea 2 - The leg end that time forgot

hello boys and girls...

What do you get if you put 3 people, 2 bags of clothing, a record collection, a filebox of work and some boxes of flatpack together...YES! was another afternoon of flatpack frenzy at Ikea but this time Lisa kindly took 3steel and myself along for the ride...

We were all off today so we headed to Ikea at midday, just in time for meatball luncheon which 3steel and i tucked into, Lisa was very good and had a meatball salad but the only thing wrong with that is that when meatballs are cold you can actually see how much congealed fat is in them!...I didn't mention that at the time though!

We took 3steel on the whole guided tour bit and he clutched his little ikea pencils, tape measure and order form in hand. We got to the bookcase bit and out came 3steel's list that Claire had made for him...we duly noted the numbers of the items that we had to pick up from aisle 23 section 3 and trundled on through the ever enchanting maze of hi tech design...spending our last few moments in the art dept we travelled down to the inner sanctum via the fascinating magnetic escalator which won't let your trolley move while you are on marvellous is that!...we went to get 3steels flat pack and went back to the was only then we realised what a hard job it would be to actually fit us and the flat pack into the car...after Lisa scratched her own car and with a bit of pummeling and pain we set off back home. The car looked like a bi-plane as the flat pack stuck out of the 2 back windows but it was fascinating to watch the faces of the angry drivers as we proceeded home blocking both lanes of the road...

We got back to 3steels and exploded onto the pavement, breaking lisa's picture frame that she had just was a sad moment because Lisa had taken the trouble to take us there and it was one of her items that broke...but it was good in a way because it gives us a reason to go back again!...hurrah!

Has anyone tried new 'Pepsi Max Chino''s coffe flavoured Pepsi and its bloody lovely ice cold...ladies will enjoy as it tastes like a non alcoholic tia maria and coke!...drink now!

Speak soon
Neil x

Saturday, May 13, 2006

..continuing 3steel's story of rock...

Another biog of one of my fave bands.Black Sabbath has been so influential in the development of heavy metal rock music as to be a defining force in the style. The group took the blues-rock sound of late '60s acts like Cream, Blue Cheer, and Vanilla Fudge to its logical conclusion, slowing the tempo, accentuating the bass, and emphasizing screaming guitar solos and howled vocals full of lyrics expressing mental anguish and macabre fantasies. If their predecessors clearly came out of an electrified blues tradition, Black Sabbath took that tradition in a new direction, and in so doing helped give birth to a musical style that continued to attract millions of fans decades later. Black Sabbath, sometimes simply called Sabbath, is a British heavy metal band originally composed of Ozzy Osbourne (vocals), Tony Iommi (guitar), Geezer Butler (bass), and Bill Ward (drums). Black Sabbath formed in Birmingham, England in the late 1960s under the name Polka Tulk Blues Band (soon shortened to "Polka Tulk"), and later Earth. Initially a blues rock band, Earth moved in a darker direction when Geezer Butler, a fan of the black magic novels of Dennis Wheatley, wrote an occult-themed song titled "Black Sabbath" (the song name was apparently inspired by a 1963 Boris Karloff film). When the band found themselves being confused with another local band called Earth, they adopted the song title as their new name. The newly-named Black Sabbath adopted darker lyrical themes and a slower, ominous style, and became one of the definitive classic heavy metal bands, often ranked alongside Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Judas Priest in importance and influence. Some have gone so far as to argue that Black Sabbath "invented" heavy metal. While this may be overstating the case, there is little argument that Black Sabbath was a profoundly important group in the music's development. A versatile group with many signature sounds, Black Sabbath are regarded as a primary source for many subgenres of heavy metal music, including doom metal, death metal, and stoner metal. With an extremely gifted rhythm section and the extraordinary on-stage antics of Ozzy Osbourne the band enjoyed success with memorable songs and brutal riffs beginning with their first album, the eponymous Black Sabbath (1970). Their follow-up album Paranoid (also 1970) brought them greater attention in America and the UK. The content of the songs (both originals and cover versions) from both albums demonstrated an interest in the occult and black magic. This was a crucial step in establishing the "darkness" and "heaviness" of later heavy metal lyrics, and Black Sabbath were among the first groups to feature such lyrical content, almost to the exclusion of other topics. Led Zeppelin, The Doors and others might have hinted at magic or the occult, but few contemporaries could match Black Sabbath for directness, such as "My name is Lucifer/Please take my hand" (from Black Sabbaths "N.I.B."). Butler wrote many of the lyrics.
Another innovation was the by-product of an accident: Iommi's fretting fingers were injured in an industrial accident during his early tenure with Earth. He was working in a sheet metal factory at the time and the tops of the two middle fingers on his right hand were sliced off. Initially, he forged himself prosthetics from a melted plastic detergent bottle. The injured fingers were understandably tender, so Iommi down tuned his Gibson guitar from a standard E to C#. The resultant slackness of the string allowed him to play with less bother to his fingertips. Butler also down tuned his bass guitar to more easily follow Iommi's playing. The lower pitch often seemed "heavier" or more substantive, and Black Sabbath were perhaps the first popular group to down tune. The practice of down tuning is now common — perhaps even standard — among metal groups. Black Sabbath released a further three albums, Master of Reality (1971), Vol. 4 (1972), and Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (1973) before management problems and the a label change from Vertigo to WWA disrupted the band's release schedule. Sabotage, was released in 1975. Technical Ecstasy (1976) and Never Say Die! (1978) were the last two albums with Ozzy, and are generally seen as inferior to the first six. Rumors that Osbourne was to leave the band were proved true in 1979 (Osbourne formed Blizzard of Ozz, swiftly renamed to Ozzy Osbourne Band). He was replaced by Ronnie James Dio but Osbourne's departure was clearly the end of an era for the band. Black Sabbath's first album with Dio, Heaven and Hell, was surprisingly successful, but their second, Mob Rules, was mediocre, and Dio left. The band engaged Ian Gillan of Deep Purple for the record Born Again, but that lineup didn't stick either. At this point, Tony elected to record a solo album and enlisted the otherwise unnotable Glenn Hughes. This record featured no other original members of Black Sabbath, but record company pressure caused Seventh Star to be released as Black Sabbath featuring Tony Iommi. Black Sabbath's next singer was Tony Martin, with whom they released The Eternal Idol, Headless Cross, and Tyr; then Dio returned for one album, Dehumanizer; back to Martin for Cross Purposes, Cross Purposes Live, and Forbidden. Since Sabbath's last studio album in 1995 (Forbidden), it's been a collection of live albums and greatest hits packages (see album list below), and appearances at various Ozzfests (1997, 1999, 2001, & 2004). Sabbath has promised a new studio album since 2001, but it has yet to materialize. One song from the writing sessions for that album (Scary Dreams) was played live during Sabbath's set on the Ozzfest 2001 tour). In 1985, the original members of Black Sabbath reunited for Live Aid. In 1992, the 1980-1982 version of Black Sabbath reunited and toured for the album Dehumanizer. In 1992, the original members of Black Sabbath played three songs after one of Ozzy Osbourne's "retirement" concerts in Costa Mesa, California. In 1995, the 1989-1991 version of the band reunited for the album and tour for Forbidden. In 1997, the original members of Black Sabbath reunited, toured and released Reunion. In 1999, 2001, and 2004, Black Sabbath reunited and toured on Osbourne's Ozzfest. They are claiming to release an album featuring new material in 2005. The band rarely received any critical praise ("blundering bozos" was one description) and Osbourne's vocal talent can be safely labeled as exuberant, but highly limited. Nonetheless, they are widely acknowledged, influential pioneers in the heavy metal field. Some of the incidents and characters in the spoof rock documentary This Is Spinal Tap are based on Black Sabbath. For example the Stonehenge stage set idea in the film was taken from a real stage used Black Sabbath for their Born Again Tour. Black Sabbath had a unique sound that emerged from diverse influences. Tony Iommi was greatly influenced both by Hank Marvin's playing on Cliff Richard and the Shadows' heavy-guitar based recordings and by jazz guitar, particularly that of Django Reinhardt. Bill Ward has also expressed a fondness for jazz music in general, and for drummer Buddy Rich especially; this jazz influence may be heard on some of Ward's playing with Black Sabbath. Early incarnations of Black Sabbath merged elements of blues, jazz, and rock and paid their dues playing cover versions of songs by heavy rock acts including Jimi Hendrix, Blue Cheer, and Cream. Heavy metal began coalescing long before Black Sabbath arrived on the scene--Jimi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, the Who and the Kinks had all made contributions to the fledgling genre. But Sabbath added some entirely new twists. Instead of focusing on virtuosic displays and high-concept songwriting, the Birmingham quartet stripped it down to a sludgy, throbbing, primordial ooze balanced by front man Ozzy Osbourne's deep affection for pop hooks.
see you

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Vegetables have feelings too!!

Evening people and welcome to another Thursday where it’s me at the helm of Piddy’s Place!!!!!!! I have for many years had an overwhelming urge to do physical harm to a certain part of society, and for no good reason other than they are different to me. They wear sandals with socks, and have beards and bang on uncontrollably about how fucking virtuous they are. I am of course talking about vegetarians and I am going to devote the major portion of this week’s blog to them.

I am utterly fed up with being looked down from on high by people who think they are better than the rest of society just because they think eating what nature intended us to eat is wrong. I have no problem in letting every veggie in the land eat whatever leaf based green compost they wish as long as they do not try and force it on to my plate. And why does it have to have a special name “Vegetarian Food” The rest of us do not look for the “Carnivorous Option”, we just look at the menu and choose what looks nice and appeals at the time.

I agree that if you eat meat you should be fully aware of its source and what happens to it before it gets to your mouth. I even think that you should be prepared to kill something to eat at some point in your life. There is nothing like killing an animal you know to eat to make sure you do it justice when cooking, it makes you think about the value of life in a funny sort of way.

When I go out for a meal unless I am very lucky there is usually a vegetarian option on the menu. And I know it’s a veggie option because restaurants have been pressurised in to adding on one of those little “V” things beside it. Why in all that is good do we have to cater for veggies amongst normal diners. Have vegetarians because of there strange meatless existence suddenly lost the ability to read. Do we need to point out to the tofu eating left over hippy tie dye twits that this is there place on the menu? When I go out I read the menu and ask the staff about the food if the description does not suffice. I ponder the menu trying to mix a starter with a main to make a nice overall effect. Why not just go the whole hog and put a little skull and crossbones by all meat dishes to identify them as suitable for carnivores.

I have an ambition and that is to go into one of the vegetarian establishments and demand to see the meat eater’s option on the menu. After all fair is fair whenever the carrot munchers sit with the grown ups to eat they expect the veggie option. The French have the right idea they view vegetarians as some sort of sub species. Try asking for the veggie option in a restaurant in rural France, you will probably be chased out by the chef wealding a cleaver hoping to add you to the dish of the day.
Night Night all its time for dinner.
Matt x

(KILL MORE COWS…KILL MORE COWS…Yee Haaaaa...blogmaster )

Notes from The Universe...

The 'Universe' wrote to me in an email today...this is what it wrote...

"While it's often fashionable to dwell upon what might have been, Neil, what's usually overlooked, is that really and truly, it couldn't have.
Because, invariably, any romanticized versions of how things "might have been," are based upon fictionalized versions of the past.

You see, Neil, most of the time when people think the present could have been different than it is, it's because they think the past was different than it was. Happily, the future can still be anything.

Un-hun, The Universe "

...personally i thought that was great, it's nice to hear from 'The Universe' occasionally...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Laydeeez and genulmen...Elvis has left the building...


Another time waster to start you off today , what a great game this takes place online and in the real world so the two are finally blurring together quite nicely...the gist of the project is that a Cube has been stolen and hidden somewhere on earth...playing cards that you solve and outdoor pursuits lead you to clues of its whereabouts and the 100,000 pound prize...its all a tad confusing to start with so you need to contact someone that would be of help, luckily i found a nice chap called Benjamin who guided me through to the inner sanctum of the game...its very cool and has people up to the age of 84 playing at the go ahead..join us in perplex city!

Just watched 'The Inside Man' ...very cool and stylish film by Spike Lee...Clive Owen is as gorgeous and magnificent as ever, Jodie Foster makes a nice cameo appearance and Denzel is just mighty fine!...I won't give any of the plot away but just to say its about a bank raid thats not what it seems...hmmmmm

I have had a few enquiries asking about my online penis...its working very well but the only bit i don't like is having to attach it and detach it when either you undress or dress...I suppose you can't have everything! :)

I am having doubts about the Labour party, now thats about as monumental as the pope (the cunt) saying that he has lost religion...I really do think its time for Gordon to step in and Tony to disappear to a well earned rest. Tony has done us proud in the past but unfortunately he has lost control of the political backbiting within...its not his fault and i still admire and respect Tony for what he has done to further enivironmental, education and health issues in the past few years. I do believe though that he has been throwing money at pensioners for far too long and that the party should now ignore the voice of the old and concentrate on the welfare of the younger and disillusioned majority. Soapbox now closed.

According to a French newspaper its now once more cool to be queer...does that mean we will see every minor celebrity coming out of the closet for a while just to gain votes...god help us..

All for now
Neil x

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Pussy fun!

hey! and away we go, through the frost. wind and snow...

I was going to write about my run in with a Parking Attendant but after careful consideration I have decided not too, didn’t think that they deserve the recognition, or the paper lets just say that she was a jobs worth – ok I admit I was a few minutes late getting back to my vehicle but despite my pleas she still went ahead a printed off the ticket.

Anyway had a good week last week Neil as you know came round for dinner and a fun time was had by all although the impromptu OK magazine type photos were his idea lol he didn’t give me time to change into anything sparkly or slap some crap on my face!

On Thursday I volunteered to be a counter for the local election so at 9.45 I turned up at the Corn Exchange and was sent to a table awaiting the ballot boxes to arrive, had no idea what to expect and have to say I enjoyed the experience although we did have to count and re-count twice and there were fast counters and slow counters. It could feel quite intimidating when the potential candidate were hovering in front of you while you were counting, and telling you had put the wrong slip on the wrong pile! Anyway there was cheering from some camps and blank stares from others but all in all a good laugh.

Well as those of you know it was my 21st Birthday again on Sunday and we all descended on my brother and sister-in-laws in St Neots. Neil was invited and I had warned him on pain of death not to talk about religion, the Pope or swearing, as my Dad would be there. But I need not have worried Neil was as ever brilliant. He did not moan when we got half way to St Neots and then had to turn back as I had forgotten something my Dad had asked me to bring.

I have to say I had a lovely day even managing a go on the trampoline although I was unable to do a flip like my nieces and brother, but by the laughing I gather I gave all my family a good laugh.

Of course the main event of the day was the football and all except Kye who was the odd man out being a Spurs fan relayed the score out, he got a lot of leg pulling that day but took it in his stride. The rest of us were jumping and cheering when the final whistle blew – woo hoo to Arsenal!!

Neil fell in love with Freddie 6 months old and such a laid back and placid dog, and Freddie took a shine to Neil too!

I did not want the day to end the food, the cake and the company were just excellent and we even made a date for June Neil, 3Steel and I are off to the Kambar in Cambridge with Paul, Sharon and Mel should be a good night lots of rock and indie music. Neil better not let me down that night or else lol

Ciao for now

Lisa xx

Monday, May 08, 2006

...from the land of gnomes and fairies...

You will be all pleased to know that I now have a my 'second life' programme...I knew that when i was created I didn't have one but it wasn't until the other day when i was talking to another resident in Linden Land that I found out I could buy one. I went into the local online sauna and there was a couple of guys there and when i removed my clothing they started laughing at me and asking where my cock was..they then realised that I was a newbie in 'second life' world and explained where i could get once and how many Linden dollars i should pay for it...I duly went to the cock mall and bought aforementioned add on... ran the programme from my inventory and hey presto, a fully functional penis for my avatar...and i mean FULLY functioning grand it is to be complete...

Went to Lisas birthday barbecue yesterday and it was a grand affair, I met the in laws for the first time who were very gracious and nice...I already know the rest of Lisas family so it was a nice comfortable day with wine and good barbecue food...I was so pleased that the weather held off although it got a tad chilly at points when the sun went can see photo highlights of the affair at

If you haven't heard of Wolfmother yet, then you are listening to the wrong radio stations... witness the return of old skool rock in the style of Sabbath, yes, rush and deep purple....these guys are the bomb, the album is amazing and myself, Steve and Lisa have all been rocking out for the last couple of days...turn it up till your ears bleed!...go here..
They are playing the Astoria London on the 7th July...try and see them or catch them at the Reading Festival...

Yesterday I fell in love....Freddie the cute gay dog is my friend for life....aaahhh

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Motorblog 2

A little something about my favourite rocker's:- In 1975 Lemmy (b. Ian Kilmister, 24 December 1945, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England; vocals, bass) was sacked from Hawkwind after being detained for five days at Canadian customs on possession charges. The last song he wrote for them was entitled 'Motörhead', and, after ditching an earlier suggestion, Bastard, this became the name of the band he formed with Larry Wallis of the Pink Fairies on guitar and Lucas Fox on drums.

Together they made their debut supporting Greenslade at the Roundhouse, London, in July. Fox then left to join Warsaw Pakt, and was replaced by 'Philthy' Phil Taylor (b. 21 September 1954, Chesterfield, England; drums), a casual friend of Lemmy's with no previous professional musical experience. Motörhead was a four-piece band for less than a month, with Taylor's friend 'Fast' Eddie Clarke (b. 5 October 1950, Isleworth, Middlesex, England) of Continuous Performance as second guitarist, until Wallis returned to the Pink Fairies.

The Lemmy/Taylor/Clarke combination lasted six years until 1982, in which time they became the most famous trio in hard rock. With a following made up initially of Hell's Angels (Lemmy had formerly lived with their president, Tramp, for whom he wrote the biker epic 'Iron Horse'), the band made their official debut with the eponymous 'Motörhead'/'City Kids'. A similarly titled debut album charted, before the group moved over to Bronze Records.

Overkill and Bomber firmly established the group's modus operandi, a fearsome barrage of instruments topped off by Lemmy's hoarse invocations. They toured the world regularly and enjoyed hits with 'Ace Of Spades' (one of the definitive heavy metal performances, it graced a 1980 album of the same name that saw the band at the peak of their popularity) and the number 5 single 'Please Don't Touch' (as Headgirl ). Their reputation as the best live band of their generation was further enhanced by the release of No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith, which entered the UK charts at number 1.

In May 1982 Clarke left, citing musical differences, and was replaced by Brian Robertson (b. 12 September 1956, Glasgow, Scotland), who had previously played with Thin Lizzy and Wild Horses. This combination released Another Perfect Day, but this proved to be easily the least popular of all Motörhead line-ups. Robertson was replaced in November 1983 by Wurzel (b. Michael Burston, 23 October 1949, Cheltenham, England; guitar) - so-called on account of his scarecrow-like hair - and Philip Campbell (b. 7 May 1961, Pontypridd, Wales; guitar, ex- Persian Risk ), thereby swelling the Motörhead ranks to four. Two months later and, after a final appearance on television's The Young Ones, Taylor left to join Robertson in Operator, and was replaced by ex- Saxon drummer Pete Gill. Gill remained with the band until 1987 and played on several fine albums including their GWR debut Orgasmatron, the title track of which saw Lemmy's lyric-writing surpass itself.

By 1987 Phil Taylor had rejoined Motörhead, and the line-up remained unchanged for five years, during which time Lemmy made his acting debut in the Comic Strip film Eat The Rich, followed by other celluloid appearances including the role of a taxi driver in Hardware. In 1991 the group signed to Epic Records, releasing the acclaimed 1916. The following year's March Or Die featured the American Mikkey Dee (ex-King Diamond) on drums and guest appearances by Ozzy Osbourne and Slash (Guns N'Roses). The title track revealed a highly sensitive side to Lemmy's lyrical and vocal scope in the way it dealt with the horrors of war. The idiosyncratic Lemmy singing style, usually half-growl, half-shout, and with his neck craned up at 45 degrees to the microphone, remained in place.

On a more traditional footing they performed the theme song to the horror film Hellraiser 3, and convinced the film's creator, Clive Barker, to record his first promotional video with the band. Lemmy also hammed his way through insurance adverts, taking great delight in his press image of the unreconstructed rocker. Wurzel left the band and formed Wvkeaf in 1996. Now recording as a trio, the band released their nineteenth album (Snake Bite Love) in 1998. Since '98 there have been three more studio albums namely (We are Motorhead, Hammered,and the brilliant Inferno) and somewhere in between was the live album (Everything louder than everything else, they will be touring again in november so hopefully i'll get to see them again as last year's gig was awesome, so more of the same please!!

3Steel x

Friday, May 05, 2006

Moan moan moan...

First of all apologies for the extra 'do' in the title of yesterdays blog...god you lot will spot anything, talk about nit picking!...

Heres a tale of bad customer service...on the 19th April I bought a camera tripod from Watford Electronics on ebay through paypal...cut a long story short it never turned up, meanwhile i had a reminder automated email from ebay to say that i had not paid (which i had), 2 days later got an apology email from ebay saying that i had paid..still no tripod...i ring watford takes them 45 minutes to answer the phone after being put on hold in a queue...obviously the call has been taken abroad and they cannot tell me anything as they don't have records of ebay item numbers or paypal receipt numbers...10 minutes go by and i am on hold again...they come back, we have refunded your account as we didn't have the product that you bought....So WHY THE FUCKING HELL are they allowed to 'sell' items that they have not got...AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH wait till i fill my ebay feedback in woo hoo!...i still have no tripod...

A quick mention for the new Pet Shop Boys album 'Fundamental' ...magnificent, just magnificent...thats all i need to say...

Our local Labour Councillor lost last night and I am not happy...she has done a lot to clean up around this area, it was like having a new sheriff in town...Penny Nicholls will be missed. Does Tony B realise that its not the politics of the party that are losing the voters its all the shagging and the lies that have gone has to STOP...Tony Blair SORT OUT YOUR CABINET and give yourself a kick up the arse at the same time...

Just been signed off for another month so am now having to deriously find things to bide the time...I have found an amazing land on the internet calleed 'Second Life'...its stunning, you create a new you and go off into the land to make your life, build a house, meet the neighbours, make friends....i have posted some screen shots on flickr in a set called 'second life' ...have a look at ....the best thing is that its free but i warn you it will start to consume your life!

Summers Here...get those skimpy clothes out of the closet and that goes for you girls too!
have fun deers...
Neil x

Thursday, May 04, 2006

...bad boys stick together, never sad boys do do do do dooh do do dooh

Well who would have thought it even two Jag’s sorry that’s two shags is at it behind the ministerial sofa. They say that women are attracted to the bad boys and in the past let’s face it punching someone whilst on the election trail is no mean feat. Mind you I suppose you have to look on the bright side, if Two jags can get extras if he wants then there is hope for every poor sod who wastes there money on internet dating.

Mind you I bet Prescott is laughing all over the place at present. No sooner has he been caught with his trousers down (God what a thought) than Charles Clarke makes the biggest gaff since the pubic voted in Margaret Thatcher in 1979. And all in a week when the country is about to vote in local elections. Tony must be wishing he was back in the good old days of the Iraq war at least then he new who the enemy were, at the moment Labour seems to be doing a pretty good impression of scuttling its own boat. Not that the Tories are a viable option, can anyone really say they are prepared to put there X by a chinless twit who pretends to be something he is not. The latest slogan is “vote Blue get Green” my old grandma used to say “Blue and green should never be seen”,
I know which one of the pair I would trust. Sorry perhaps it’s the generation I belong to or may be just my upbringing but nothing not even time will soften my view of that rancorous old bag.

Talking of Margaret Thatcher which I have to say I do as little as possible I was amazed to find that Kids are being taught about the Miners strike and the Tory party breaking the unions as part of History at school these days. Yes I agree it was a very important part of British history but I lived through that it seems to be far too recent to be history. Or am I older than I remember? I am proud to say that I taught my son to say Thatcher Thatcher the milk snatcher as one of his very first sentences.

I wrote a month ago or so about the speed issue that I am having with NTL at present. Well it’s still ongoing and at present I have no idea when it will be up to speed. No pun intended. To recap NTL have run out of bandwidth with there broadband service. The bigger the package you have i.e. the 10 Meg service the bigger the problem. So at the moment I am lucky if I get 3 Meg and sometimes I drop to 1.5. Ha well at least for the duration of the problem it’s all free. So people if your out in the street and you see one of those little green and purple tents that NTL stuff full of people with a mental age of three who think that customer service is about looking at you when you talk to them do me a favour and tell them what a crappy company they are selling for. My patience is wearing thin. (or you could just kick the tent and hope someone is inside!...blogmaster)
Matt x

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

...going back to that Dyslexic pimp who bought a warehouse...

Hellooeee......I hope we all had a nice weekend...and a nice holiday Monday for those of us England based...not much to tell here really, went round Lisa's home last night...first time I had seen it fully furnished and it's really can see some pictures on flickr, but Lisa made a great Italian/Jamaican Shephers pie (Bolognese based with a topping of Sweet Potatoe and then Mashed potato covered in Cheese) which tastes absolutely wonderous, and after being on my Cabbage soup diet for the first day today am regretting refusing Lisa's offer of bringing some home with me!..oh well i will have to wait until next time!...have any of you joined me on my week long cabbage soup quest..let me know if you have!

I watched 'Basic Instinct 2' yesterday and i must admit I was expecting to watch a real stinker as I had heard all the bad press surrounding it...actually it wasn't really that bad...okay, so it does start off with Stan Collymore putting his hand up Sharon Stone's snatch whilst she is driving through deserted London at 140 miles per hour and as she orgasms the car flies over the edge of a wall...that aside its quite a good crime thriller, a bit of fluff but good adult thriller thing I must say is that Sharon Stone looks damn hot!...I don't know what she has had done but it certainly suits her!

Did you know?.....

there are only 4 aardvarks in the UK

1869 people had a tummy tuck in the UK in 2005

If you see CTD written on your hospital notes it's not good...its doctor speak for 'circling the drain' (a patient expected to die soon!)

58% of Turkish Men have had an extra marital affair...most of those with female tourists!

all for now...ciao babies...
Neil x