Sunday, January 09, 2005

A hamster stole my knitting wool

...thats funny she replied, it's never tickled like that before...

Oh joy of joys! The BBC did a great job last night of showing "Jerry Springer, The Opera" totally uncensored. Who would ever have thought we could sing along with such classics as '3 nippled cousin fucker' in the comfort of our own home. Just to say the musical was an outrageous 2 hours of fun...lets have more musicals on tv please!

This is an early Sunday morning entry for me as I have to work later on today, suffice to say that the funny button has not kicked in yet and so i may not appear my usual riotous self!

Exciting news looks like Bedfordshire has been chosen for the new fishy eden project type thing that they have all been wittering about for the last few months (for our American cousins its sort of a Sea World study type centre without whales and manatees)..lots of tourism, jobs and ....well, fish! I am actually pleased about this and hopefully it will get off the ground in the next few years.

Have to practice the audition piece today, ready for the singing bit again tomorrow so will now be stretching vocal chords for a while...

...and everyone thought that Puffy was a funny old stick...

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