Friday, January 21, 2005

Don't eat the yellow snow yoko ono!

..."Time for bed", said Zebedee...

After my notes of yesterday, God does not exist, I now live in a Godless world but mind you Buddha seems a good bet so i might have a go at that one. In a Godless world within minutes you will have women marrying women, men marrying men, and brothers having babies with sisters or cousins (what do you mean i'm too late!)...ah so we didn't need a God after all for debauchery and happiness...what a waste of the last thousand years!

I'm working my little (okay, BIG) butt off again tonight, mind you they always say that there is no rest for the must have been that xmas I got pissed on communal wine and sucked off the vicar..would that have done it?

I am very close to asking Lisa to set the date now...I just have to get enough courage to blurt it out and say to her.."When are we going on holiday"...Egypt is getting a bit full at the moment because of tess the tsunami so we shall have to do it soon, then i shall be at peace within.

Oooh 'White Noise' with Michael Keaton in it is very very creepy...

..."fuck off", said Dougal...


Anonymous said...

I got a little excited then, talk of date setting, but if there is not going to be a wedding, then a holiday must be the next best thing. Wish I could come with you. Already looking forward to tomorrow's entry, what a sad life I have.
Glad to hear how hard you work in the evenings!

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like this Gx is a big fan of yours Why dont you ask her/him instead her/he sound like they are a bit desperate and need cheering up in life.

Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight, Gx is gorgeous, and she is not desperate. I know her well. You are only upset the so many lovely ladies love Neil. Why do straight men act in this way?????

Anonymous said...

why not take them both !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

God Niel you realy have set the cat amonst the pigions tonight with this blog , keep it up mate.

Anonymous said...

God Niel you realy have set the cat amonst the pigions tonight with this blog , keep it up mate.

Anonymous said...

I didnt meen to post that last comment twice , damn technology.
Ps I forgot to add that I also know G and she's not even a little bit sad or desprate. M