Friday, January 28, 2005

An angel walked through me today

..."mum, mandy's using the cat as a vacuum cleaner again"...

First of all i want to thank all the people that are leaving messages on the site, it's really nice to know that people are actually reading and enjoying (well i use the term loosely) what i write!

Now you will see on the right hand side of the page a new little thing about 'Skype', this is actually quite amazing. As long as your friend has a microphone you can make free phone calls pc to pc. You can also transfer files while talking. If you have friends in other countries then those calls are free too. Okay thats my audition for QVC over (I really don't know what i would have done without it!), so i expect you all to download and ring away to your hearts content!

whats happening today then Neil! i hear you all cry...well fuck all actually, just dossing around here, sending texts to people who don't even reply (hello lisa!! lol), catching up on more films, reading more of the Da Vinci Code, waiting for calls of complaint from Sharon for putting her picture on here etc etc... well i've not had any libel suits fired at me yet so i must be doing something right!

Did anyone see Michael Morres film 'Farenheit 9/11' on tv last was a great use of the documentary genre juxstaposing Bush's stupidity alongside the moral and patriotic covictions of average Americans...they really should all be very ashamed of voting him in for another four years...very very ashamed.

Woo hoo it's the weekend but this week i can't get excited, as I have been on a weekend all week so even though its Friday I can only give a little woo hoo! but a big woo hoo! for the rest of you...if that makes sense.

I've decided, i really need to get laid, so will try and do something about it this weekend...don't know what though...any suggestions please write enclosing a photo and a stamped addressed envelope! :-)

..."oh!, is this a useful bit", said the surgeon, as he held the mans still pumping heart in his right hand...


Anonymous said...

There are those who might say that fuck all happens most of the time in your life, lol not me though. Getting laid is probably a good idear some of the regular contributors seem into you enough to oblige , if not your probably left with the old right hand wave. Tell us did Lisa ever decide on the hair colour in the end. Seriously though enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Neil, why are there so many people who want a shag!!!!!!!!!!! We should all get together?

Anonymous said...

fantastic blog tonight - had me chuckling into my soup lol xxx

i think we need to start a club NSA - no sex annonymous

....Hi my name is ....... its been 3 years since my last shag lol lol
what do you guys think?

Anonymous said...

don't we all darling, here's hoping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can I ask you, should we shag on the first date, the book say's no, what do you think, or is it different for you. why is it ok for men, but still a big no, no for us girls. please reply

piddy77 said...

Hmmm....I think it's alright to shag on the first date as long as you don't want a second one..this is what is known in the trade as 'L'attend d'un nuit'...or one night stand in other words..hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Neil, that's settled, no sex on first date. Now I just have to find some-one to date.

Anonymous said...

so thats why it never lasts and there was me thinking.................