Wednesday, January 26, 2005

empty the aquarium, the fish have moved on to Gin!

...he took his last breath and she cried until the wind could no longer carry her tears...

"What a difference a day makes, twenty four little hours...", Dinah Washington was singing this to me when i got home, it's one of my favourites, and its very true because i was being a bit negative about the course yesterday and so i will re-word and put down what i actually meant. The course was great if you had not studied the whole innards before but unfortunately I had covered all aspects of the course in the last couple of years. Most people got a lot out of it, I unfortunately was not one of them. Anyway tis done.

Martins gusset was fine today as a new pair of trousers took their place. He was crouching admirably today without any hint of cloth retribution. Alls well that ends well. A warm tackle is a happy tackle!

I meant to tell Lisa this earlier on so forgive me darling if you have to read it on here first but we were discussing you today and wondered if you would like to go back to being a brunette as we think it suits you you x

Oooh got my copy of the 'Illustrated Da Vinci Code' by Dan Brown today so I shall be wrapped up reading that over the next few days...have heard great things so it better be good!

Oh my god, did anyone see the Anatomist on Channel 4 last night stripping a real body of all its skin, it was absolutely amazing and I for one did not realise that it could come off in one huge piece. After flinching with the initial shock I watched It peel away from the sinew and muscles so easily and then he proceeded to show us how the muscles actually work. It is meant to be an educational programme but I think the Channel is really out for shock value disguised as entertainment. It carries on for the next three nights, tonight exploring the heart and lung functions...and fun was had by all!

...Tallulah was a transexual, there was no getting away from it, the lump was there for all to see...


Anonymous said...

i think Lisa looks lovely just the way she is

Anonymous said...

I think Lisa is beautiful inside and out


Anonymous said...

Hi all, Lisa is popular today(and rightly so), if I were asked to express a preference, I think Neil is right. Can you post a picture of Lisa now and as a brunette and let the public vote. Let's not forget, it's Lisa's choice and if she is happy what the hell has it got to do with us. What do you think Lisa?? Last point Neil, who is the "we" you were discussing it with? Were they male/female etc etc etc, anyone important. Thank God I go to bed early and missed that repulsive programme. So much for posting this anonymously, you have all guested it's me, the sad one that goes to bed early-Gx

Anonymous said...

Lisa is better as a brunette sorry Lisa xx

Anonymous said...

Does Lisa's hair colour realy matter as long as the collar and cuffs match !!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol that previous comment was a hoot xx

Anonymous said...

Thank you , my comments aim to please.