..."Higgins", shouted the teacher, "Putting the Raw chicken on your head and dancing round the classroom is not part of the Domestic Science syllabus"...
Wooh! bad nights sleep, very restless last night, you know when you get an overwhelming feeling that something bad or disturbing is going to happen, well i have that now and it won't bloody go away...and so i feel more tired this morning than when i went to bed last night!
Lisa sent me a good story from Yahoo the other day about two young girls who made cookies for all their neighbours. They tied them up in little bundles with red ribbon and paper hearts and left them on the doorstep after knocking on the front doors. One neighbour sued them because the knocking bought on a panic attack and the lady ended up in hospital. They ended up being found guilty and made to pay 850 dollars fine!...where has all the love in the world gone!
I know we have mentioned it before but every man and woman should read "He's just not that into you", keep a copy on the bedside table, keep it in a drawer at the office, keep multiple copies everywhere! you just have to have a copy...it really changes lives!
(go to the link above and click on the valentine box on the left hand side...extra cheap deal!)
Okay enough now of the samurai kittens..Lisa sent me a picture of Samurai Pizza Cats, it was a disgusting portrayal of the heroic figures. THAT IS NOT WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE! They do not have shiny outfits and glittery boots, they do not shout "Banzai", and they certainly don't have girlfriends...Our samurai kittens are brave, fearless, furry and nude...in fact normal kittens but with blades...be very careful, you will never spot a proper Samurai kitten until its too late!
Thanks for the lovely comments about Jane Austens diary, I may do some more of that in the future ...Day 46, Papa found out about my affair with Tina from the Iron Mine, he has been very quiet and most perturbed...the wimple has been burnt.
..."how do you stop it", said Uncle Derek as Harvey the rat gnawed through his slippers towards the big toe...
Well seeing as I was awoken by the dulcid tones of my phones at some ungodly hour (ok 10.45am) I thought I would check out the blog - I thought the samurai pizza cats were cute! And I will also plug that book too having been the one to buy it and share it I can`t recommend it enough it has changed my life - I think I will go now and catch up on my lost beauty sleep i know your thinking she doesn`t need it but I have to give the rest of you a chance lol - Neil is busy cruising the net booking our holiday at last - so better start looking out for my next book `what not to wear on the beach` see ya :) Lisa xxxx
Good morning Neil, or have you now returned to your bed? Glad you mentioned the book again, it stops you spending time on tossers that only want a quick shag! Surely there are decent men, who want to spend time with us? Build a relationship? I received a strange text on Saturday, and it made me think "he's just not that into you", because he was clearly into some-one else. Text warning, always check you are sending the correct message to the right person!!!!! I hope things improve for you today!
Hi again, just for the record, no I did not shag him, I was saved by Lisa's other book, "Why men like bitches", another good read for the lady's! Gx
sounds like a good book, maybe i'd better read it, can I borrow it Lisa ? Watch out Neil bought 2 gerbils today and I think that they think they are ninja's x Lauren
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