...and the applause was rapturous as Tommy the mouse finished his audition for 'The Rodent Players' version of "A Chorus Line"...
Great article in the paper today about Japanese officials training Samurai Kittens, its all meant to be a bit hush hush because of the Korean thing but apparently what the Japanese have been doing is strapping mini Samurai swords to the backs of specially bred kittens and teaching them to roll and lunge so as to create the most carnage in a crowd. I tell you now for one thing, I would not like to be in a market crowd buying a selection of Pak Choi when hoards of rampaging Samurai kittens come rolling through. I think we would be wise to keep out of this one.
You will be pleased to know that I finally finished the "Da Vinci Code" book last night, half an hour before the TV documentary about it...it honestly has to be one of the best books I have ever read and it was nice to see that the TV documentary backed up some of the legend behind it.
It only seems like yesterday that I was saying I was doing fuck all at the weekend and yet here we are again doing fuck all for the weekend this weekend (if that makes sense). I am looking forward to Tuesday though because Lisa and myself are off on a cultural jaunt to London. Off to the Tate Modern (hopefully...so i can look at cubist statements, rothko's soul and the exploding shed) and some shopping for Lisa (so she can touch and feel some pink and fluffy things!), then on to the theatre where we both can drool over Patrick Stewart (Cpt Jean-Luc Picard) and Joshua Jackson (the adorable Pacey from Dawsons Creek) in David Mamets play 'A life in the theatre'...its had some tremendous first night reviews so we are looking forward to it lots and lots!
Now..all good plans and all that...we were looking at going back to Egypt this year but I can't get the Orlando adverts out of my head, I put it to Lisa and she didn't object, so now at every opportunity I am looking at Disney websites and things for added excitement and inspiration...I just remember what a fantastic time I had last time i went, and i still say you are never too old to wear a pair of Mickey mouse ears and scream until you are sick...
...suddenly the portaloo exploded and blue dyed shite was flung straight towards the vicar who had just finished judging Mrs Bartrams buns...
I cant wait for Tuesday - looking round the tate and shopping for pink fluffies what more could a girl ask for - xx Amanda xx
Pushed into second place again. Oh well, there are other sites I am addicted to! Very informative blog tonight Neil, but Lisa how many pink fluffy things can one girl own? Gx
Gx a girl can never have to much pink fluffy - but I need to replace the vibrating phone its been overused lol so maybe a pink rubber thing would be more useful lol x Very happy though going out tonight to the local for a night of fun and frivolity with Neil who could ask for more..... Maybe we can then decide whether we go for cultural Egypt of overcommercialised Disneyland -(secretly wishing to be Cinderella again!)
i want one of those - do you reckon they have them on e-bay?
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