...of course it was always obvious to the family that jemima was going to eventually become Jim...
Those are the noises that could have been heard out of my flat over the last couple of days, was it a bout of pleasure you ask me, like fuck it was i will say back. There is a nasty little bugger of a computer pest going round called Elite Toolbar. If it gets into your system you suddenly have hundreds of pop ups...more in fact than you can wave a stick at. Its really complex to get rid of it but following instructions it works, anyway i cleared it yesterday only to go onto one of the music web sites this morning and pick it up again...so having spent the last 30 minutes cleaning it out I don't want to have to do it over, problem is none of the anti virus or pop up stoppers recognise it yet so it just gives it free rein to install itself...oh well thats the teccy bit over.
Patrick Hall our local MP came to see me today, he's a jolly good chap for a posh boy and is all for the common man, which is good as you can't get much more common than some people that live round the area (did i just say that out loud!) He wants us to try and recycle more and be proud of where we live....hmmm...like the local population would understand that!...anyway Patrick holds the record for the most questions asked in the house of commons in a year...they even counted "What times afternoon tea" so i don't think its something to boast about really.
DO NOT PANIC about the Samurai kittens, if you are not Korean you are safe...okay?...you are safe...ouch!...ooh the little bastards just nicked me...fuck! ...no...they're turning they're turning...stay in your homes ...the Samurai kittens have escaped!
Day 80..Papa looked a bit concerned today when I asked him to describe what a lady garden felt like to a man...
Off to London tomorrow to see Capt Jean Luc Picard...since he left the command of the Enterprise he has been doing well as an actor so we are off to see his latest effort. Also am dead excited because we booked the holiday to Egypt yesterday so now have to lose a couple of stone before September...does anyone think I can do it?
...after giving her boyfriend fellatio, Mindy looked around the bus and wondered what they were all staring at...
ohhhhhh I have holiday head on I know its not until September but the thought of all that sun sea sand and......... all you can drink or eat - and tomorrow going round London doing looking at pink fluffies and then drooling at Patrick Stewart is too much for a girl lol - I am so lucky Lisa xxxx (so is Neil to have me with him lol)
Hi Im back from the north, just catching up with the news in blog land its like Mrs Dales diary all over again (Radio Four Joke) Some entries good some bad all worth the cost of a broadband conection. Ps Got the recycaling thing covered I have been in negotiations over the last few weeks and the lady in the know with the power is coming out to see me on Thursday. P Hall is only interested in votes its an election year . ( contrversial ) See ya M
To try and stop the spred of this nasty little bug could you tell your loving public which music site infected you ?????
mmm...it was www.justmp3s.com
don't go there!
I would be very surprised if you did lose two stone the way you can put away the sandwiches lol
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