Friday, February 11, 2005

trying again!

...Henrietta the baroness sheep was so looking forward to her forthcoming debutante dip...

...lets talk about people who go to bed early, especially people who go out on dates and still manage to be at home in bed by 10pm (no they are not 13 and no they do not live with their parents)...what is it with you guys, if this habit spreads any further then there will be no reason for over 25's night clubs, 'grab a granny' nights or Bingo clubs. So what if you are tired the next day, you smell like an old ash tray, you still have sick in your hair and pubics in your one will notice, would you rather have a reputation of being a party girl/boy and the office bike or would you like to be known as the safe quiet lady/man that sits in the corner and is very good with children...get a life, get a know one of the most exciting dates is one that carries on through the night and you end up sharing the same sunrise wherever you are in the world. I beg of you, forget feeling tired, love your life, love yourself...

Matt has provided me with a couple of greta links for you...


Great fun for all...

So Charles and Camilla have opted to share a double horsebox in future then...I couldn't think of a better pairing for the ugliest couple of cunts I have ever come across, sorry i shouldn't call them that as cunts are very useful, money grabbing scum...just don't ask me to contribute to the wedding present...

Did you know?...Cunt is the oldest swear word in the English Language and it was the first swear word to appear in the Oxford English Dictionary. It has always been slang for a dirty woman and In london there was a street just behind piccadilly circus which was always inhabited by whores which was originally known as Cunting lane...Shakespeare liked cunt very much and used it at least five times in as many plays...

Thats all i can remember of todays blog...sorry! wasn't until the silver ring was put through her nose the Matilda realised she had been sold to a piercing fetishist from Rotherhide...


Anonymous said...

Hi Neil, will be back later to comment Gx

Anonymous said...

we all know where gina,s going dont we gina? hope your not one of those 10.00 people then gina otherwise neil will be after you. So have you encountered some 10.00 people in your life neil is this a recent event your not telling anyone about. Oh and i agree cunt is a lovely word . martin

Anonymous said...

Please Mr Blog Master answer the following questions
1. Should I shag a gorgeous bloke on the first date, just because you know that's what he wants, and you think he would be fab?
2. Should I shag a nice bloke who made me laugh, but I did not fancy him?
3. Should I have a second date with Mr Gorgeous and end up seeing the sunrise?
4. Is there anything wrong with being me, wanting to get home to bed on my own?
5. Am I too old for this dating game?
6. Will I ever find a single, solvent male, who is not jealous?
Looking forward to your reply, and for the record, I was once describe as being like a dog on heat(along with another member of staff), when we were not even dating anyone! Am I a lost cause, or do we(that's me and you, Mr Blog Master) need to find a bi male? Gx

piddy77 said...

in answer to 'worried of windsor's' questions above...

1. Yes
2. No..that would make you a prostitute.
3. yes definitely
4. no, but in moderation
5. no one is ever too old to date or shag.
6. possibly not, all men are jealous and envious evil minded bastards (sorry was I sounding bitter then)
i think the words were 'bitches' on heat were they not as dogs would find it hard to be in heat as they don't have the right bits.
...and don't bring me into your tawdry little sex fantasies lol

Anonymous said...

Gina I hope you have a good night tonight - just have fun Lx

Anonymous said...

Hade a great night, stayed home, was in bed by 8.30pm. Gx

Anonymous said...

Yes but who with ??