Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Teddy Ruxpin promotes beastiality!

...and it wasn't until sandra got her first pair of contact lenses that she found out she was living with a lesbian called michaela...

Well, well, well...the old dog of a queen (no, not me...the other one) can't be bothered to walk across to a town hall for the wedding of the I said its doomed from the start. If he wants to marry a woman who looks like she should be serving in the equestrian department at Harrods then its up to him...but this commoners marriage is a bit of a laugh, imagine the wedding party popping into the old frog and strumpet on the way back for a pint and a pie. Camilla would be knocking back the Gins and Charles would be talking to the plants in the corner. If Princess Margaret was still alive, she would have shown them what for, swearing like a trooper in the snug surrounded by gigolos all ready to sniff her crusty muff!...does it really show that i dislike the royal family?

Stunning article in The Independent today about bloggers and how many are being sacked from their jobs because of what they write about their working day and their colleagues. I suppose it is a bit of common sense really but as there is no backing for bloggers, as from now I will not write about work and I would ask any readers comments not to include any work details. I would like to also make a legal statement that the views on this website are my own and are not affiliated in any way to my place of work or the staff of the aforementioned workplace. Readers are responsible for their own comments and any deletions made by me will be purely in my own safety!...phew, heavy bit over, i think that has it cleared.

Didn't Gina do a lovely job on the blog...the exciting news is that next Tuesday we will have another guest, namely Matt who will give as good as it gets from a mans man point of view (expect lots of lumberjacking, blonde jokes, talk about cars and testosterone spraying...not!), don't say i don't spoil you sometimes. Thanks for the comments about the Darius picture, bless him...unfortunately thats the only one...and no Martin I am not turning it into a porn blog site!

Day 500. The baby is getting a bit bigger and a bit more interesting now, I think Darcy will be a very big ladies man because he keeps reaching out at ladies decollete as we walk by. The nuns have just informed me that he probably wants feeding and he was going for any tit he could find...i feel so foolish. Papa and Tina are having a baby and are buying one from the local workhouse. Papa informed me for the first time that I have a brother by the name of Bussell, I just hope I haven't slept with him...I like the fact that my sons name and my brothers name go together so well Darcy, Bussell...hmmm (sorry, that was an arty ballet joke thrown in cheaply). The nuns are taking me into town soon to buy a new wardrobe for the child...i wonder if there will be a whimple shop?

...Mindy looked at her boyfriend lovingly, put her legs behind her head and said, "is that sexy enough for you"? Unfortunately this caused a few laughs as the queue in the bookies got longer...


Anonymous said...

Good to have the "Blog Master" back, keep the Independant, I would like to read the article in question. Now feeling very guarded about commenting on here, I would like to continue working. Love ya, Gx

Anonymous said...

I hope I can live up to the chalenge next Tuesday.My life is nowhere as exciting as Gina's.Im just a boring married anti pc kind of a guy with these loopy friends who lead me astay all the time. Well thats my storey and Im sticking to it.Im just trying to think of some stories to tell,Theres the one with....Oh no that involves work sex and an office. or I could talk about XXX and the duvet... no that was a work do, or the time we .......late at night with a shop keeper videoing , bugger another work related bash. Shit at this rate im going to have to go back to my school days !!! Thinking hard Matt

Anonymous said...

Matt these stories sound great, would like to know more about the shop keeper and the video!!!!! Gx

Anonymous said...

gee where has freedom of speech gone we live in a country where we have the priveledge of freedom of speech yet now we cant say anything incase we upset anybody equality and diversity my arse if you cant say anything whats the point in speaking I know your going to quote that famous quote `ITS HOW OTHERS PERCEIVE IT` well if they dont like it they can switch it off! or f*** off - ANON

Anonymous said...

Hi Neil
Great blog tonight - and judging by the comments lots of controversy too lol
I have to agree with the last comment whoever you are (be nice if you could give us a clue)
But like everyone else I need to keep my job - and I am looking forward to the Matts star blog
Lotsa love Lisa xxxxxxxxxx