Wednesday, February 02, 2005

slippery yet provocative

...and all the party hilarity stopped when the cat got fed up of escaping from the jam jar...

Marie and her amazing buns!...It was Matts 40th birthday today so we all had fizzy drinks and maries special buns...and they were truly buns to behold, one was carrot cake dusted with chocolate and the other was coffee and walnut, both recipes of Saint Nigella. Marie was applauded for her buns and joy reigned over the office for the whole afternoon...oh and matt was around somewhere too...anyway, back to the buns!

What a great response to the Nigel story, I shall have to see if he has anymore. One thing I have been thinking is to have a guest blog day occasionally where people in my life will be able to talk about me, or anything they long as it has a bit about me in it...and i will put it on the out for that soon.

Joined a new dating site yesterday so will have to see what wonders that brings forth...don't seem to have much luck really, i don't think i'm too could be that people think i'm freakishly ugly, but i do have beautiful eyes! lol...c'mon guys, bring on the testerone, waggle your ball sacks, lets party...God if i was only that energetic thats what i'd be saying...reality me if you want, put the kettle on and let me fall asleep while you stroke my hair and call me 'poppet'.

..."Oh Tippy", "What on earth is that on your dress"..."Have you been playing with that Clinton boy again?"...


Anonymous said...

oooh a first I managed to beat Gina today lol - Gina I hope you enjoyed your day in Reception. Matthew Happy 40th - 1965 what a good year! Lisa

Anonymous said...

did I beat Gina tonight lol - hope you had a good day today Gina! Just had two lovely workman round to look at my heater - lots of scratching of heads and nodding and then we all decided its was knackered so a nice new heater for me thanks Trevor and Kevin xxx lol Happy Birthday Matthew - 1965 was such an excellent year lots of really important people made there entrance that year! and then there were the rest of us. Lisa xxxx

Anonymous said...

65 Was a very good year.......Matt

Anonymous said...

a bit late matt but a very happy 40th xxxx Lauren

Anonymous said...

Don't have time to post a long comment tonight, have an important phone call to make! It was a good night tonight, thanks. Can't wait until tomorrow to see which picture you decide to publish. I think Marie's buns will win! Good night, from the very tired one. Gx

Anonymous said...

Hi just wanted to say what a great night I had everything was good from the company Marie, Matt the birthday boy, Lynne, My lovely Neil and of course the flowering Gina or should I say de-flowering Gina lol - the food and the conversation lets do it again soon Love Lisa xxxx