Saturday, February 05, 2005

A lychee is also known as a fanny fruit!

...Edward did up his flies and, feeling refreshed, ran out to join the other lads in a game of 'kick the oik from the local council estate'...

Today I am a bit sad...don't know why...just one of those days i suppose. Anyway, I had many many questions about the Samurai kittens of yesterday asking if i had a photograph of one to share with you all, the answer after many hours of searching is no, but i thought this might be close enough... ...okay so it doesn't look very violent but you wait till he's armed. That tongue is one of the most lethal weapons in the world!

Well lisa and myself discussed Orlando possibilities but we have decided to ask Mickey to hang up his ears because it works out at least £1200 each without food whereas a nice 2 weeks all inclusive, lazing about by the red sea is about £700, with all the food you can sniff and all the drink you can pee!

I'm finding it hard to write today so i will keep it as a short one...talking of short ones, or long ones in fact, but why do these new dating clubs on the internet insist on you putting your dick size in your profile. Are there really people out there that shallow, who would not sleep with someone that has a dick that is either too small or too big, that intrigues far as I go 'any dick is a good dick' lol!

...Jaques hung up his onions, put away his bike and settled in the noon day sun with his pint of John Smiths, ready for another afternoon at the French Farmers Market...


Anonymous said...

Hi there - has writer block hit or should I say writer blog - I am sorry you are feeling sad today - I had a lovely evening last night the company was excellent and so was the location - I do love the Wellington (plug plug) oooo better go Harley is trying to strap a sword like thing to her back I think she must have been reading the blog over my shoulder ............... Lisa xx

Anonymous said...

All inclusive option sounds good to me, also less kids! Tell me more about the dating site, do you have to include a photo of your face and your dick? How does it work, "hey you look great, but sorry, your dick is the wrong size for me?" I know they always say size is important, but to be honest, that's the biggest load of crap I have ever heard, or are things different in your world? Thanks for the screenclean, only now I have dribble running down my screen, was that the cat or me thinking about mens bits? Gx

Anonymous said...

any one know where I can get a cat