...it was only after adam was arrested that he realised metrosexual wasn't about having sex in the paris underground stations...
well its sunday and today i have woken up full of flemmy bits and i have blurry sight, now that can't be good..am having trouble seeing the keys of the pc clearly so shall try my best to type away...
just watched 'Hotel Rwanda', a very good film about the 1993 massacres but not as shockingly graphic as it should have been. It was quite a hollywood film which was just that little bit too glossy for my liking. Well worth a watch though as a dvd rental. Also received my copy of 'Saw' yesterday, still a really good film and thats on the second viewing, its quite unbelievable that the whole film was made in 18 days, thats outstanding. I couldn't quite work out what was different about the so called 'uncut' version as it didn't have anything that i didn't remember after seeing it the first time!
After the warmth of yesterday (i think thats where the bug flew into my system), its now gone a bit drab but still fairly warm, lets hope it holds out for easter next week. Just keep thinking about holidays later in the year, I really don't want to wish the year away so quickly so i might have to find a little jaunt to go on for a week sometime soon...
I have 2 Moby tickets for the Carling Apollo in Brixton for sale at £30 each. If anyone is interested in coming with me and Lisa please let me know at my email addy. Should be a great gig. If nobody wants them i will be a greedy bastard and advertise them on ebay for double the price! (it's now sold out completely!)
Not up to much today, Sunday is normally quite a mellow day in the piddy household, no junk food, no booze...its my abstaining day! Have only got to work two days this week and then off for Easter for 6 whole days...woo hoo!
...chav was going into Mindy like a train until he saw the queue of other people waiting to get on the rowing machine...
Hi not much going on today so can't think of any barbed or funny comments to make. See you for coffee in the Am. Matt
i love sundays quiet day for doing nothing lounging about - its freat the only thing that spoils it is the fact that you have to go to work the next day :(
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