...it was only tessie the elephants second foray into the big ring when she got scared by a trapeze artist and sat on the dwarf clown behind her...
Its guest blog day today and i send a warm hand of greeting to NICHOLA, the Bree van der camp of Tavistock court with a hair flick that could open envelopes at 20 paces...thanks for taking the time to write for us nichola and i hope you all enjoy the read...
"Well, doesn't Tuesday roll round quickly?? Neil asked me this morning if i was going to write a blog, how could i say no, as a refusal often offends...and also i wanted to be part of this multi talented geniuses world domination campaign! (I added the last bit...just because i can! lol...ed) Best of all he wanted my few words by this afternoon. Oh my God, what do i write?
I really couldn't bear (sorry....thinking plushie) to let him down. He always finds something amusing to write about. And lisa, I don't know what you were worried about, your blog was great.
Here we go...
Firstly Neil, I must comment on the Easter issue. I was born on 31st March 1970, which happened to be Easter Monday. Does this mean I could change my birthday each year? (No, as your name is not Jesus...although i have heard people say 'oh jesus, nichola'...so you might be entitled to...i shall have to look that one up...ed)
Loved the picture of Rainbow, oh how it bought back memories. The one thing i never understood about zippy, george and bungle was that they spent all day walking around with o clothes on and then when it came to bedtime they donned nice stripy pyjamas.
Also, Gina and i were talking about BOB's this morning and i said that mine was tartan! No, thats not a BOB thats a flask, lol!!!
I am pretty boring really, not sure you want to read anything about me. Be gentle with your comments, as I cry easily .
I thought i would write about being a married 30 something !(please see an aristically posed nude shot of nicholas husband below)
3 advantages of being married...
1) No need for a BOB, i have a Christopher! (the batteries never run out), mind you can BOBs be run off the mains?? Answers on a postcard please!
2) DIY (decorating etc...not the BOB kind!) Why have a dog and bark yourself? thats what i say.
3) Twice the salary to spend. No explanations required on this one I think, ladies.
3 disadvantages of being married...
Do you know what? I really can't think of any disadvantages at this moment in time. How sickening is that (obviously it's not 'must have chocolate' week)
I have been married 7 years and still 'loved up' (should do well on Derek Batey's 'Mr & Mrs' quiz then...ed), we even married on Valentines day. It gets slushier by the minute. I hope none of you are eating your dinner whilst reading this. Mind you it is second time around for me. The first one only lasted 18 months!
Well thats all from me for today, hope you all stayed awake until the end - short but sweet (just like me!) (oh God help us, she'll be talking about 'Barbies' and 'My little pony' next)
I will leave you with this...
What is pink and wrinkly and hangs out your pants?...Your mum!! lol (sorry the old ones are the best!)
Thanks Nichola for that lovely insight into Stepford wives country...it sounds really ...pleasant!
Seriously though I must thank all blogettes for taking the time to share things with us...I'm still trying to persuade my sister and thats only because she has to write lovely and smashing things about me!
...Eeyore looked around the wood, smiled, thought to himself how peaceful it was without that little yellow cunt running around singing all the time...
A fantastic blog nichola. Im glad your happy in your marraige and think its grand that you want to let everyone know. Nothing wrong with being in a loving relationship. Thought id mention that before all the negative souls come on here and make their comments.
Thank god someone has stood up for the married amonst us.Well done Nichola, I have been happily married for a number of years(well that what the wife tells me anyway)I can still remember the day we were manacled together in great detail. Of course there are times when we disagree and I don't talk to her for three or four days,well it seems impolite to interupt. I was begining to think this blog had been taken over by the "lets pretent being single is great and we are all happy hoping that someone wants to shag us one day brigade" lets face it being on your own is crap most of the time. I know I did it for seven years. When your on your own you spend most of your time out ,arranging to go out ,seeing people, having people over , going out shopping at the weekend to see another adult etc etc. Me thinks the single people protest to much.There that should stir up some shit lol Matt
I loved the blog tonight and i am so glad there are lots of happily married couples out there too - it puts faith back in couples having read on here about the ones that are not working out.
Yes we may moan about singledom some more than others lol but have you thought that some of us want what you have someone special to share lifes ups and downs I know Neil does very much - so let some of us have our little moans we are human after all.
Lisa xxxxxx
Single and happy :)
thanks for the vote of confidence you guys!
Neil i really think that Steve should be guest blogger next week, he can talk about cricket boxes and things!
Nic xx AKA Happily Married of The Village! xx
I had been single for 8 years and happy to explore that world. After filtering out the insecure and desperate ones, I have finally found my kindred spirit. Little did I know each acquaintance was leading me to the wonderful soulful man who has come in to my life.
The key is having common ground, and of course to be 'like minded' is a bonus....
So there is hope for all of us
Live the dream
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