...Piggy was devestated when she saw the hand slide unceremoniously up kermits bottom...
Women should not be allowed to watch television if its going to change the way thay they are meant to be thinking...we came up with that mission statement in the office this afternoon...women have had it too good for too long, they should get back to basics and learn kitchen skills and husband/partner hosting. Its time for men to revolt and make sure that their women folk no longer have the freedom of choice to learn anything apart from domestic and social matters. Women are excellent housekeepers, there is no getting away from it but they have to re-learn how to enjoy domesticity and child minding. Thats enough said on that subject then...
Please note that these thoughts are not necessarily mine but stemmed from a conversation with some 'mens men' that i encountered...
Just a shorter blog today as it is pub night and suffice to say I have to get the old bits washed and the old glad rags out...thanks for all the comments of support while the comments page and the blog has been down...i do hate to let you all down...have we got any morre entries for this weeks competition please as I have one correct answer at the moment. I will leave it open till Saturday evening and then announce a winner...don't to forget to email your answer to piddy77@ntlworld.com
love ya!
..."no sarah,..'The liver birds' was not a documentary about meat packers in Cardington"...
Ooh mate not this "man's man" your treading on the thinest of very thih ice, I have seen men disembowled for less. lol Matt
but matthew...YOU were one of the mens men i was talking about lol...
Oh fuck my cover is blown,bollocks,bollocks,bollocks. And I thought I was such a new man. lol Matt
mmmmmm shall i comment about woman being chained to the kitchen sink and not rise to the challenge or shall i say a comment mmmmmmm i need a least a week to get my mood going on this one lol
Thanks to Neil and Steve for a truly great evening tonight it was a brilliant night i so enjoyed the walk home too! - queens street car park will never be the same again for me lol ( for those of you scratching your heads you had to be there to hear it)
Lisa xxxxxx
Hi all, I'm in a fab mood this morning,(no I did not shag last night!) so I have decided not to comment on your mission statement.
How was the pub, sorry I could not come, but a man decided he would like to cook for me, probably wise as I need to be retrained on how to be a domestic goddess!
My night was excellent except for an old flame decided to keep ringing me, of course I did not answer, and was reluctant to switch my phone off-I like to be contactable at all times(it's a mum thing). No dates in months and months then suddenly I become miss popular for a couple of hours. I will have to see if I'm asked on another date, is he not wishing to appear too keen or is he "just not that into me"? Gx
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