Tuesday, March 29, 2005

an alternative ulcer!

...and so with one person being hung, the house wasn't so crowded anymore...

Whats wrong with the world...
1 There are not enough shops that stock ben and jerrys ice cream
2 they don't make nappies with built in floral fragrances
3 It is still unreasonable to be different
4 mens and womens fragrances cost about 40 times what they cost to make.
5 politicians can't agree with each other
6 there are still people with built in unchangable intolerance
7 there are still hidden food additives
8 there are people that can't see or won't see progress
9 there are too many mobility scooters
10 strawberries don't taste of strawberries anymore
11 winter has just become another part of autumn
12 there are still people who die for religious reasons
13 there is still greed
14 95% of the worlds wealth is managed by the 5% that are wealthiest
15 children aren't allowed to be children anymore
16 companies have slowed down aids research because of the amount of money that they make on exisiting medicines.
17 Tsunamis and earthquakes are becoming more frequent
18 dogs
19 there is still apartheid in south africa
20 most third world leaders live in palaces
21 there are still countries that won't drop the third world debt
22 people still cannot see the difference between art and pornography
23 the average person in the uk does not retire wealthy
24 the United States still insists on being the leader of the whole world
25 the British film industry is nowhere near funded enough
26 the price of basic food is too high
27 water companies can get away with increased charges every year when the amount of water being used doesn't change
28 Compact discs are about 4 times more expensive than they need to be
29 people now know too much about sex
30 the word 'cunt' is still shocking
31 there are still people that would kill someone because of their sexuality
32 english policeman have lost all approachability
33 too many people are frightened about the food they eat
34 'being on' is the excuse that women use to be bossy
35 its still frowned upon for a man to cry in public
36 competancy based interviews are bad things and should be obliterated
37 there are still too many people relying on other people to provide their living expenses
38 Roman Polanski is still not allowed to enter America
39 booking fees/charges should not even exist
40 the environment is slowly dying

...tulip turned on the steamer and regretted ever having applied for the job as a stripper...


Anonymous said...

41 Gays,s think they have the right to get married and have children

piddy77 said...

and the problem with that is...?

Anonymous said...

i dont think much to comment 41 - what is the difference to people bringing up kids regardless of there sexual preference - at least they are a couple rather than one parent bringing up the kid while the other is going off having more kids with god knows how many more women - signed outraged

Anonymous said...

I agree with Outraged as long as a kid is bought up in a loving home whether its with two same sex parents or a single parent etc then that is all that matters.

I dont think Anonymous has children and is certainly bigotted.

"The Sis"