Thursday, January 31, 2008

Reverb made my ears bleed...

Fear....thats a wonderful all surmounting word, a word that has been the bane of my whole existence. I have decided that this word has always decided the path that my life has, love, home, all these lives intertwined with a 4 letter word. This could be quite a big year for me but at this very moment I am being held back by fear, the fear of not achieving the things that I want to achieve, the fear of moving on, the fear of leaving people and places behind. How do you overcome dear?...Yes you can tally negatives against positives, you can consult rhunes, you can go with your instincts but which one do I I have to make that decision or could i get someone to do it for me? I have people all around me spurring me on to achieve good things in life but my confidence is battling with the fear monster. I suppose I have always looked at myself as 'the guy who might have achieved something special' albeit in the entertainment field, the workplace field or the life skills field, God knows I've tried! In a couple of weeks I will know where fear is taking me next...join me on my travels...please wait and everything will unfold...

Lisa came round for dinner last night, I cooked a sort of chilli thing which was rather tasty and then we sat and chatted. Facts that I deemed from our conversation. 1. Lisa is a beautiful person inside and out. 2. Lisa deserves to be loved. 3. Lisa would rather die first than have any harm come to her family. 4. Lisa loves laughing 5. Lisa is intelligent 6. lisa would love to marry someone who has no hang ups or baggage. 7. Lisa works too much 8. Lisa loves indie rock as much as me. 9. Lisa has the mind of a cinematographer. 10. Lisa is fairly careful with finaces 11. Lisa has a thing about pink and fluffy. 11. Lisa would like to live out her life on the Kenyan plains feeding lion cubs for a living ...oh no, sorry that last bit was my dream!

A couple of tracks from Sarah's brand new album 'Symphony'...outstanding!

God bless Jeremy Beadle, even though he was a nasty and very rude man in person!

ciao x

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