Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The end is nigh...

Hi everyone...today I have good news and bad news, the bad news is that as from next Monday, the 7th August 2006, my 43rd birthday, piddys place,the blog, will close its doors to the world...you will still be able to view the archive and it may be worth checking in occasionally ;) but the truth is that I need to move on...it served a purpose, it made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me angry and it made me aware of the sense of community that can be achieved over the cyberspace structure. The good news is that I have another project in mind which I will reveal details of shortly.
I would like to thank Matt, Lisa, Steve and Gina (in the early days :) for sharing their lives with us over the last 3 years and hope that they will go on to create their own worlds perhaps where people can revell in all their loveliness. It's been a blast...

Neil x


Anonymous said...

I'm really sad the blog is ending. It gave me an insight to peoples lives since I don't get out much,. It's been a hoot. Lauren xxxx

Anonymous said...

Gutted I enjoyed reading your blog Neil and your friends thank you
