Friday, May 05, 2006

Moan moan moan...

First of all apologies for the extra 'do' in the title of yesterdays blog...god you lot will spot anything, talk about nit picking!...

Heres a tale of bad customer service...on the 19th April I bought a camera tripod from Watford Electronics on ebay through paypal...cut a long story short it never turned up, meanwhile i had a reminder automated email from ebay to say that i had not paid (which i had), 2 days later got an apology email from ebay saying that i had paid..still no tripod...i ring watford takes them 45 minutes to answer the phone after being put on hold in a queue...obviously the call has been taken abroad and they cannot tell me anything as they don't have records of ebay item numbers or paypal receipt numbers...10 minutes go by and i am on hold again...they come back, we have refunded your account as we didn't have the product that you bought....So WHY THE FUCKING HELL are they allowed to 'sell' items that they have not got...AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH wait till i fill my ebay feedback in woo hoo!...i still have no tripod...

A quick mention for the new Pet Shop Boys album 'Fundamental' ...magnificent, just magnificent...thats all i need to say...

Our local Labour Councillor lost last night and I am not happy...she has done a lot to clean up around this area, it was like having a new sheriff in town...Penny Nicholls will be missed. Does Tony B realise that its not the politics of the party that are losing the voters its all the shagging and the lies that have gone has to STOP...Tony Blair SORT OUT YOUR CABINET and give yourself a kick up the arse at the same time...

Just been signed off for another month so am now having to deriously find things to bide the time...I have found an amazing land on the internet calleed 'Second Life'...its stunning, you create a new you and go off into the land to make your life, build a house, meet the neighbours, make friends....i have posted some screen shots on flickr in a set called 'second life' ...have a look at ....the best thing is that its free but i warn you it will start to consume your life!

Summers Here...get those skimpy clothes out of the closet and that goes for you girls too!
have fun deers...
Neil x

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