In the corner of the room sat the Chucky doll, untouched and unwanted since the controversy of his last performance...the props room stank of puppet greasepaint and rotting satin of the flowers that once were a pretty addition to the gardens of Oz and the like...
She sat there, smiling...the pretty little ceramic mouse figure...there were originally seven of her family but they all met an untimely death in 'Dogville' when Nicole Kidman's character fucked her neighbour and the wife enacted her revenge on the only things that her character loved. It was a funny day today she felt, she was still bitter that her pretend ceramic family had met their death at the hands of a mad danish film director but she was sure that soon she would be picked again to light up a cinema screen in world neighbourhoods. She had heard that Disney were actually doing a new live action flick that included a small girl, surely she could be a thing of beauty in the girls bedroom. The day passed slowly with the odd person popping in and out to query about stock holdings etc...
Linda was the archivist, it was her job to remember every detail about the thousand of items that the propmaster had in was her job to find the ship in a bottle with a broken mast in aisle 42 row 6b if somebody requested it, and she usually knew exactly where it was.
The animatronic mice from 'Babe' were playing up once again, they weren't really blind and got up to the most disgusting shannanigans once the room was empty...two of them were lovers and didn't have any qualms about where they 'performed', the third one liked to watch, so in their group they were quite happy and took no heed to the feelings of the other props that had no choice except to be a part of the nightly carnal events.
This is how life went on...and on...and on...and it was getting worse as Directors became more obsessed with using CGI shots and blue screen shots instead of using real props, things that were made with love and expense...oh yes, that word expense...Directors would now rather pay 100000 dollars for a decent computer image than spend 50000 on a real touchable attainable item...and so was the way of the world.
For the rest of the day the pretty little ceramic mouse passed her time, like she had done for the last 700 odd days previously, by reading aloud from the book next to her on the shelf...the book itself was a prop from the library scene in 'My Fair Lady' and was entitled 'How to be a lady'...unfortunately the only page that it had been open at all this time were the contents and the pretty little ceramic mouse knew the words upside down and back to fact she had no need of the physical book at all, but for the sake of it she studied it again in great and specific detail...
well...that was just another idea I had conjured up in my mind...i may persue that little tale, but then again I may know what I am like by now! I hope everyone is okay...I'm here sneezing quite happily...Lisa has exciting news but I shall let her tell you in her blog tomorrow...suffice to say, she didn't need to use a turkey baster!....Competitions are still open for the last couple of blog titles and todays is no exception..all i would like is the Song title and the artist...capice?
Neil x
Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people and I
Want to see life
Driving in your car
Oh, please don't drop me home
Because it's not my home, it's their
Home, and I'm welcome no more
Theres a light that never goes out - The Smiths
well done to lisa and steve for both of their correct guesses....and the next one please!...
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