Hello all....well what can I say, I have been through the worst three weeks that I could have ever imagined....first of all I have to say thanks for Steve for caretaking the blog site and keeping you all informed...I also must thank Lisa and Matt and Marie for all the help and support that they have given me in and out of hospital.
I won't bore you with all the details, but its enough to say that I honestly thought that I would not be here today to carry on writing this blog, I had many complications which only appeared once the operation was in progress and as Lisa put it I looked liked I was wired to the Matrix when she saw me in the critical care unit...I have been through three weeks of leaking from holes all over me, pissing into bottles constantly, trying the best for a bowel movement which finally happened after the tenth day post op...but i'm here and I am so glad!...I still feel a bit like I have gone from one prison to a nicer prison as I can't really do a lot at the moment without being very tired, it's taken me a couple of days to sit down and write at the PC as my concentration span is a bit out of whack as well. The district nurses are great and appear daily mid morning to see to my wound which is healing quite nicely.
Anyway I can't believe the great albums that have appeared since I have been away. I have been catching up with Prince and his momentous '3121', Dave Gilmores tone poem, Morrisseys new one, Ray Davies's magnificent new album, Jane Birkins 'Fictions' and Gary Numans 'Jagged' what a stunner of an electronic album...so many good albums appear when you least expect it....well I have a bit of time on my hands at the moment so I will be doing a lot of listening...some great films too, watched 'The Ringer' last night, very funny and in very good taste considering it is about the special olympics. The American down syndrome society had last call on the script so as it wasn't offensive and Johnny Knoxville (Jackass MTV) is a real suprise as a good comedy actor...worth a watch!, it's full of heart!
That will do for today and I hope to recieve some blogs from our resident in-house writers so as we can return to normality and I can put this whole episode behind me...love ya
Neil x
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