Last night i saw one of the most disturbing tv programmes for a while...'Supersize she' was about a female body builder (joanna thomas) who was on a quest to win a big las vegas competition...i have never seen anything like it, she had the voice of a man and was the most disgusting vision of womanhood. She starved herself for 5 months on a protein shake diet so that she could burn off all the fat so she was just sinew and muscle. Amazingly (and this is something i didn't know) the contestants at their prime showing ability are the weakest people in the world and just to walk is sometimes a great effort. Her parents were urging her on and the woman just had no life outside of the body building circuit...what extremes can people go to to achieve perfection in their own eyes...
'I woke up to the sound of church bells and peacocks and thought about the one person in my life that used to keep me sane and relevant. Simon was a guy of great understanding and he wallowed in the beauty of everything that surrounded him. His papers on the great philosophers always sounded a lot more interesting when uttered from his mouth. I used to watch the lines of his lips as he caressed the difficult surnames over and over again in an oral explosion of education and theory. Simon was an interesting catch and boy I was happy on the day that he took my bait...but that was a long time ago. Letters shared and filed, conversations recorded on a now fading memory like the grooves of an old 78 record hissing and slowly dying...dying...there was a word that had caused emotional turmoil, a word that in 5 letters can cause a moments stopping of the heart, a well of water dripping down from an eye gland or a fall to the knees as if kicked by the giant imaginary rabbit that used to be your friend...'
Extract above just an idea that came to me...shall i carry on?..its up to you...you decide.
Living life to the norm tonight with a visit to my special place ' The Wellington Arms' , god bless it and all who sail in it.
Neil x
More from steve tommorow....
I like fit people but this is really taking it to the limit, has she now at the point of no return? It's sad that people feel the need to do this. I don't mean to judge, and of course I am not miss perfect, but this really is crazy? Does you look attractive-I don't think so.
Carry on with the idea, it great having you back blogging again.
Another good night last night, but I am feeling a little jaded today, have been into work and I am now going to have an afternoon nap. See you all soon. Gx
Clearly need a sleep, brain and fingers are not working together! Gx
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