Friday, September 09, 2005

Just in case....a goodbye letter...

hi time is here and myself and lisa are flying off to sunny egypt/israel on Sunday. Everything will be fine but i thought i'd like to take an opportunity to write a goodbye letter as you never know what is going to happen in these grey here it is...

First of all and most of all I would like to thank my parents for putting up with all the shit that i have thrown at them for the last 42 years, they have been magnificent, understanding, loving and overall the best people i have known on the planet. I'd like to thank all the teachers and mentors that have taught me about living life throughout the years, good times and bad times. I'd like to thank all the friends I have made in countries and counties previous to Bedfordshire, especially Terri who still keeps me on the straight and narrow whenever i speak to her. I'm sorry I can't remember any of your names now but i do have a slight problem with memory storage ! anyway you probably don't remember me either.

I want to thank and send love to all of the guys and gals from Bedfordshire, this is the strongest bond of friendship I have ever felt, especially Martin, Steve, the two M's and of course my special angel Lisa who takes me to highs and lows that i could have only previously dreamed about! When I was a little boy I dreamed of a lady that would take me away to a far off land where everything would be good and nice all the time...I think i found her...

Gina is another person that makes me laugh and feel good about being around, it's nice to get compliments about yourself and Gina always notices little things that I do, whatever they may be. respect girlfriend!

Thats it really...I wish at this point that I could say goodbye to a partner or lover but it didn't happen for me...but it's okay, it was meant to be.

It's been quite hard writing this but I feel that its important because as i said earlier, you never know what is going to happen...

Neil x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you are writing again. Looking forward to hearing all about the holiday on your return. Most of my favourite people are away next week, so I'm left with Lynne who is totally out of action due to "the injury", and of course Steve and Martin. Will I survive? Gx