Being the adventures of Neil and Lisa in Edinburghland...
Well we took off from Luton airport after successfully negotiating the mid term car park procedure and flew in the dreaded easycattle airbus...we chose the wrong seats on the outward journey (all my fault!) and ended up squished together at the front and asking for 2 extension thingies for the seatbelt (most embarrassing)...anyway we got there and found a bus that took us most of the way to the hote... a short taxi ride later and we were there, the Novotel on Lauriston place was beautiful, very modern and quite chic...but full of old americans as these were the only people who could afford the 200 pounds a night room ticket! The edinburgh tattoo was on at the same time as us being there so there was lots of fascistic uniform and medals flying around the place...we got there early evening and had a fairly quick shit, shower and change before taxiing to Pleasance Courtyard for the first of our fringe shows. The courtyard is a fantastic place, approx 11 theatres in the same area, admittedly some of them only hold about 60 people but the biggest ones hold about 700, fantastically bohemain and wild. We went to see "Pam Ann" a character name for the wonderful Caroline reid who entertained us with a racous hour of pastchice air crew humour. Caroline had the flight attendants for each airline down to a tee...even promising an easyjet air crew lad in the front row that "one day you might see the sea darling!"..I hope this amazing Australian girl makes it big, she has to be seen to be believed.
Beers flowed after the show and we were introduced to Caroline (part of the prize) and she couldn't have been nicer in real life (unlike her character!). We tarried at the bar and later went back to the hotel for a couple of night caps. After making a few refuted lewd requests to Lisa I fell asleep and awoke next morning to the sounds of Steamship Ellis and her amazing foghorn ( I hasten to add that I was snoring very well myself before I get myself in trouble!)
I made Lisa get up early which was no mean feat and we proceeded to walk into Edinburgh and start our shopping journey down Princes Street with lots of sightseeing on the way. We carried on shopping throughout the day and joined an open top tour bus for an hour just as it started to rain, but it was very enjoyable although a tad cold!...we got off the bus and the sun came out and was radiantly hot. We carried on shopping with Lisa managing a marvellous 45 minutes in H & M whilst I sat and people watched outside. Lots of shopping and snacks later we went back to the hotel and had a rest before the evening onslaught of the courtyard again. We went a bit earlier to see if we could get into another show before our 10pm show but as it was Saturday all of them had sold out so I drank instead and Lisa watched on...our turn for the show came and we trundled into one of the biggest theatres to see the marvellous and joyous Kiki and Herb (see picture above)...to describe them would be an injustice but suffice to say it was a screamfest of laughs, car crash comedy at its very best. A half drag act pastiche of the Steve and Eydie sort of double act from the 50's with Kiki the singer getting more pissed and paranoid as the show went on...simply wonderful stuff!
Back to the hotel for drinks, big tv match of the day and slight packing...
Snores...wake up...more packing and back off to the airport for the flight...better seats midway down the plane, a lot wider and no extensions needed (hurrah!)..take off and level at 34000 feet. We got above Manchester and were told that the descent would now start...how odd is that, they have to start the descent in manchester to land in luton safely!
Anyway...boring bit over, we got home...I still love Lisa, hope she loves me...all is well with the world...The End.
Piddy77 xx
Sounds like you had a fab weekend, cant wait for Lisa to comment. The really strange thing is, I didn't know Lisa was not an early riser! Gx
well i only was trying to keep up with fog horn snore horn piddy lol - the weekend was fabulous edinburgh is a beautiful place I had a lovley time - and 45 mins in H&M is that all I was buying some bargains Lisa xx
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