Friday, July 08, 2005

Colder play...

well, first of all sorry for being awol last week as i had a very busy boozing session on friday and even busier cricket schedule on saturday and i got nothing written!.
some of you may or may not know that i went up north on monday to see Coldplay in concert at the reebok stadium in Bolton Lancashire, i just thought i would share the events of this day with you!, it was a quite warm day and i was really looking forward to the concert, the venue did not open until ten to five so i decided to set off at 14.30 hopefully to arrive in Bolton at around 17.30 to meet my cousin Tony and Family, so , i went to fill up with petrol at tescos and set off, all was well, i flew up the M1 to junction 19 and joined the M6 journey was going well so to make it easier i decided to use the M6 Toll road (or the midlands expressway no less) which costs £3.50 in the daytime, managed to hit the ton on here as i was nearly the only car on the road! i rejoined the normal M6 after about miles still had no problems and i am sat in the car listening to the local radio stations, when i got to about sandbatch there was a newsflash about a n armed siege in Rottenstall and also that the Manchester ship canal had sprung a leak over an eight mile stretch and the local water authority were planning a rescue mission to save the fish and leisure boaters who might get stranded, All of a sudden without warning traffic came to a sudden stop just about at the junction of the M62 which is the one i needed i sat there for a few minutes waiting patiently, feeling calm and not swearing at all as i had plenty of time to get to the venuethe time was 15.45 soon we started to crawl along at about 14mph which we kept up for ages, the next junction that i needed was coming up and i thought "it will be alright when i get on the M61" the time now is about 18.15 and i get a call from my cousin saying that they had arrived and would wait till i got there before they went in i said "ok" i finally got onto the M61and everyone else on the motorway decided to go the same way (bollocks) now i am starting to get a little stressed at this point, then the car i was following braked suddenly and all the doors opened and four girls got out and ran up the grassed banking one of them turned to me and said "sorry but we all need a wee" then a rover 75 ran out of petrol and it took him ages to get it on to the hard shoulder in between all this comedy the radio kept saying if you want to travel on the M61 don't bother as it is gridlocked isaid "YES!! I KNOW!!!" as i almost head butt the steering wheel then my cousin phones again to see my progress which was not much further than the last time he rang, time now was 19.20 and he said that his wife and daughter had gone in and that he was waiting for me at Tesco's so i asked him to get me a sandwich as i was starving, soon i got signs for the Reebok stadium and finally left the motorway at 20.15 five and threequarter hours after setting off i got to the Reebok at 20.30 where i met Tony who had been thrown out of Tesco's as they thought he was a dosser HA! HA! it turns out that tony and me had missed the first two support acts (Elbow and the other escapes me) and i settled down to watch and listen to Coldplay then the tannoy announcer says that they were delaying the start of Coldplay to allow people stuck on the motorway to get here, after half an hour Coldplay arrived on stage and did a stunning if not brilliant performance, on the track "speed of sound" i phoned the blogmaster to give him a listen, i had no idea what he said on the phone as the music was quite loud so i just held the phone up in the air for about a minute evidently he texted me but i did not get that till i got home!!, i left the concert early as it was getting late and i had a long drive home which was uneventful apart from getting cramp in my right leg so i had to stop at a service station for a while, i finally arrived home at 02.20 in the morning very tired but i was happy to have seen my family and Coldplay who where brill.................see you, steve.
p.s. back to the real story next week!!


Anonymous said...

Were they as good as the fab band in the pub last night? At least last night, it only took you 2 seconds to get home! Was Claire still awake? Gx

Anonymous said...

Wow Steve sounds like you had a nightmare journey - it could have been worse you could have driven up there and the band were crap so at least that was not the case lol