Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Gusset thoughts with Lisa...

Well I have to say I was amazed and disgusted when I found out that people who have had the privilege of being confirmed tickets for the Live8 concert have put them up for sale of Ebay when I checked last night at 23.21pm I was amazed to see 128 items were found under Live8 – I clicked on a few and a lot are saying they are unable to go to the concert – ok so why bid then why not send the £1.50 it cost to send the text in an envelope and send it to the cause. Oh no they knew they couldn’t go but still thought they would send the text anyway and if they were fortunate to get tickets they could make a tidy profit on Ebay some of them are up for £1000 nice price when it cost them £1.50. Bob Geldolf has come out and called them `scum` I could think of worse but I think we all can. If I had been lucky to win tickets and could not go I would have asked my family or friends to have them but I could not live with myself by selling them on Ebay to pocket in someone’s misery. It makes me feel sick.

I am sorry if I am offending any of you but I am sure most of you would agree with me on this – if Ebay had any decency they would stop it – they have issued a statement saying that there is nothing wrong is selling charity tickets but come on get real,

Well the carnival is over the verdict is in and Michael Jackson has been found Not Guilty so he will be starting his comeback tour in Las Vegas and paying off his 200 million pound debt I somehow don’t think he will be rushing to the CAB for advice on his debts. Still I am not sure this story will ever go away and we will never know the truth whatever it is. So if you still want a cheap Michael Jackson CD I would rush out now as I am sure the price will go up – but check out Ebay first I am sure they will be going for a song!

Anyway on a lighter note I have to say I had a fantastic meal the other night if any of you have the chance to check out a restaurant in Bedford I seriously recommend `Jainbi` seafood Restaurant in Midland Road (www.jainbiseafoods.com) you bring your own bottle if you want something alcoholic. The food was fantastic and if you want a taste of the Gambia then this is for you – Neil loved it and said it was like being in the Gambia again.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa
How right you are, it's a disgrace, they may of course send the money they receive off to charity, but that's me being kind as I am still in a good mood!
Let's hope others will not bid for the tickets, but there are always people that will pay any price, but let's live in hope they don't. Gx

piddy77 said...

i've just bid 10 million for a pair! lol..that really screws up the system!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to think that Ebay bowed to pressure and removed them i bid earlier for a pair for a million lol nice to bid money i havent got lol Lisa