What a fucking hard and great series this is...Melbourne mobsters, loose women, bent cops...but the best bit is that it's all based on fact. In fact when they were showing this in Australia it was banned in some states as the trials of the people portrayed were still going on!
The characters are well written and the actors come from the cream of Australias crop. Les Hill, who used to play the lovely Blake in Home and Away, shows off all his talents and his hard man image :) Also Rodger Corser plays the very enigmatic policeman working his way from uniformed cop to detective. The violence is graphic but integral to the plot. Overall it is an extremely well written and produced series....now if only British TV would buy it!...never mind, all the episodes are available for download at your local edonkey stop!
Now for the latest Australian soap "Out of the Blue" which started on the BBC this afternoon...the first two episodes were quite promising and it looked to be a series which has had a bit of money thrown at it...the premise is that a group of twenty somethings go back to a Sydney resort area for a reunion, and all the drama starts from there including death, deception, hot lust and seaside...well as 'hot' as you can get at 2.15pm on a weekday...it should have all the housewives creating static whilst enjoying it in their nylon overcoats wishing for a better life before the kids come home and the beery slob gets home from work...luckily I am on holiday this week so I will see how the first episodes pan out and let you know...
Most listened to song of my moment
Anna Ternheim...I know it's getting on a bit in age but i love her and I think that this deserves another airing.
Ciao x